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I was real happy to see the water was clear and only up slightly when I hit the river Fri. morning. With all the rain I was concerned that it could be up and muddy. Fri morning I hit Tan Vat access on the Current and caught 2 fish right off the bat on light orange egg pattern. Then the bite quit, tried almost everything in the flybox, I only fished for about 2 hours and just the hole below Tan Vat. Both fish were Rainbows and of average size.

Some fishing buddies showed up at the campsite and by 4 pm we were hitting the water at the park. Jeremy had bought some parachute adams off ebay and was quickly on some fish. Red zebra midges were good in the real deep holes and the shallows. Olive woolybuggers and olive san juans did well in the slower water, drifted under an indicator. My wife caught lots of fish on glo balls. Everyone caught plenty of fish.

Saturday was about the same, fish were a little more picky but was able to catch fish fairly steady. There was a lot more people on the stream but no problem finding a spot to fish. I had bought some regular adams dry flies at the lodge and they worked real well, in sizes 14-18. Same flies as above worked well all weekend.

Sunday we got out late and the fishing was slower, had to change up alot. We still managed to catch fish but the fish seemed to turn on instantly and you would catch a few and then they would turn off for awhile.

We planned on going home on Sunday but the wives decided to allow us to stay another day. They headed home and we were left to fish another day. The river had more people than I expected for a Monday. We caught fish on copper johns, olive woolies, red san juans, and red zebra midges. Great outing and the weather was beautiful and no rain.

On the way home, about a half an hour from home we ran into a wicked storm. It hailed on us for almost a half an hour, with some around golf ball size. Today I noticed small dents in my truck but I think they will probably pop out after some hot sun on them. The pop-up camper has alot of permanent dents in the top but none look to be compromising the operation of the camper or large enough to cause any leakage problems. All in all we were lucky with the size of the hail and the velocity they were hitting the vehicles.


Eat, Fish, Sleep,....Repeat

Member: ozarkflyfishers http://www.ozarkflyfishers.org/


Nice report. Wish I'd come down now.


"My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt

Greg Mitchell


Nice report. Sounds like they were hitting quite a few different flies. Good thing the water was not muddy, glad you had some great fishing. Bummer on the hail storm.


A few pics

My buddy Jeremy caught this monster Rainbow on a 14 parachute adams


Lots of fish in the stream



Eat, Fish, Sleep,....Repeat

Member: ozarkflyfishers http://www.ozarkflyfishers.org/


WOW that looks like a Beeson keeper fer sure.

Jon Joy


"A jerk at one end of the line is enough." unknown author

The Second Amendment was written for hunting tyrants not ducks.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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