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Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors

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Now there’s a creditable publication with no agenda. Great source! Why don’t we take the national enquirer and NBC word for what they say? They are all crap (TV news Cable news, Printed press, and definitely everything you read on the net) it doesn’t matter if its left or right they are doing nothing but trying to split this country up. They are doing a pretty darn good job also. Man I’m sick of hearing about he did this he did that who cares what the guy/gal did yrs ago. Can anyone tell me if there’s ever been a time in your life when you change your mind about something? I bet you have you no good flip flopper. These elections would be so much better if they just had a flier stating what their values were and what they believed in. These so called plans don’t matter cause none of them follow what they say and they do nothing but turn neighbor against neighbor for about a yr or so(some longer). I tell you what it doesn’t matter who gets in we are all screwed. The man that gets into office will not magically fix the financial mess we are in for yrs. And now that the taxpayers are bailing out Wall Street and funding ACORN and the democratic socialist regime it’s going to get worse.

Sorry Chief for picking your post to rant but no matter what anyone reads or watches its garbage in my opinion. I don’t mean to pick on you or you views just the media. And I realize that "democratic socialist regime" may be a little strong but what else do you call it when the gov. takes over the banks? What’s next? Hey looks like Ford and GM are in pretty big trouble Gov might as well buy them as well along as all the other manufacturing right? While they are at it why not take the farmers land so they don’t have to worry about those huge payments, but they can still farm it and the Gov would give them their allowances. Well what do you know Russia did come back it’s just shaped like what used to be the U.S.A.


I bet you have you no good flip flopper.

Wow! And then you want to apologize for ranting. I don't think so. Call me and the magazine what you want but:

1. I have not flip flopped on anything

2. If the article was not true and since you put that publication on the same level of reporting as the National Enquirer, then, as has been done with the Enquirer, why haven't they been sued for liable?

3. The only reason you are ranting against this post is because of the truth coming out about your candidate.

4. I wonder how many people here read the article? The entire article?

5. Much like Taxi and bigbird, it is all fun and games to slam Obama but, post the printed truth about McCain, which if you will notice, that article referenced McCains book written by McCain quite often, you people go nuts.

6. In the inevitable words of Jack Nicholson, "You can't handle the truth!"

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors


Anyone with half a brain knows which side of the fence rollingstone magazine sits on. The article is full of crap. I like how they make hay at the fact that McCain "pulled strings" to get into the academy. Everyone has to pull strings to get in any of the military academy's (even demoncrats). Just take the facts, spin em around, rinse wash repeat. Lord I will be glad when this garbage is overwith.


Your Guy, Barrack Hussein Obama, is ahead in the polls on his way to a landslide victory and the one thing you and the rest of the bleeding heart liberals can do is attack his mitiltary record. Unbelievable. You have probably just lost what little bit of credibility you had with anyone undecided on this forum. Truely remarkable. Out of all of the things you could attack little old John McCain with and you choose this? It seems whenever anyone but you uses (what in your mind are weak sources) you attack them and brand them biased, but.....A.....OK for you.

Liberals should get the correct information before they bash our military heros. Excuse me while your post now makes me want to go puke in my trash can.

John Sydney McCain III's Offical Navy Military Record:



Chief you cannot tell me you have never changed your mind on anything, everyone has. Example hey I think this rattle trap is the best lure to use today. Couple hours later well maybe this one isn’t working some I might try this jig and pig. See there that’s a flip-flop. I wasn’t saying you had flip-flopped on any issues as of lately and I don’t care if you have. What I was trying to get at was that everyone changes their mind on stuff me, you, everyone so it’s not a big surprise when politicians do it. Take the Gov bail out of wall street for example Dems were too scared to pass it be them selves so they wanted Rep help so when things go to pot they have someone else to blame. Now the Dems and Reps that changed their votes are heroes of the economy but when they run for office again their change of vote will be held against them.

I’m not ranting against your post, I’m ranting against the system. Its funny haw the Liberals always think everything is all about them. McCain is not my candidate I was pulling for Fred Thompson. But I will more than likely vote Rep because I believe their view of the issues benefit the greater good.



If they could only put him in the living room of a terrorist he'd look like are really bad guy. Oh wait, this election already has a guy like that.

Chief...seriously, Rolling Stone? They couldn't even get the story straight on Led Zeppelin. You want to believe they've discovered the "real McCain?" You're crazy. You want to believe nonsense and even rant about it's truth, then you'll have to accept that Obama is a muslim, he's not a legal citizen, and he hates puppies.


Did I author that article? Did I attack him? No, I posted a link to an article that tells the truth. I can't help that you choose to stick your heads up each others butts and give each other high fives for what you say about me. I am not the one that has lost any credibility. I just post facts. Like I said in an earlier post, I will one of the few that posts about this election that will be making an informed choice.

I realize that as it nears closer to the election, and your HERO, a term which is so widly used now days that it has become a generic term to describe most anything, looks as if he may loose, you feel the need to get more and more vious. I am just glad that I can be here for you.

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors


Okay, guys, I think we've all done about enough name-calling. I ain't a moderator, but have a little respect for Phil and company and don't give them heartburn. And by the way, liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats, gotta live with each other after this election is over, and gotta pull together to solve the messes we're in.

For better or worse, the two candidates are what we got. Doesn't matter if either of them did something years ago that might have been somewhat distasteful. You can dredge up lots of dirt that has NOTHING to do with their ability to govern and their ideas about present issues, but it shouldn't matter unless you CAN show that first, it's true, and second, that it has a direct bearing on their ability to be the President. McCain's military record 25-35 years ago, and Obama's ties to a guy that was a "terrorist" back when Obama was in grade school, and has been a person who both Republicans and Democrats have worked with and agreed is doing good work in recent years--neither has any bearing on what they believe now, or how fit they are to govern now. Qualifications and stances on the issues are what you should be voting on, and I see plenty of good points and bad points in both of them. Whichever of them wins is going to need a LOT of support to solve our problems.


What we really need is for all the politicians to wear a suit that has all of their sponsors that are paying for their campaign. Just like NASCAR!!!

Then we would all know who they would REALLY be working for.

NOBODY spends the kind of money these guys have spent to be the POTUS to make the salary they make. Someone that wants something spends that kind of money. The person running isn't the one thats spending that money. That person is just someone that will represent their interest. Don't think for one minute that its OUR interest that they have in mind. If Obama wins then say goodbye to a ton of the freedoms that we all have known for our lifetimes. A government run solely by DEMS will ruin this country. The entire country will be like CA and IL.

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