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Deer Lures. What Is Your Preference?

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Just throwing this out there to see what kind of deer lures you like to use and in what areas you use them.

I have'nt had any luck realy with any lures. Probably not using them correctly. I've used a number of different brands of Doe urines, buck urines, drag rags, scent in bottles ect. Never had any come in to these lures. Not to say that these lures did not bring the ones I've killed, but they did'nt seem to be pinpointing the lures. I've had better luck with blow calls and rattling antlers.



I've used several lures and have come to the conclusion that they are all made to lure the hunter to the store and not the deer to the stand. I gave in and tried another one this year that was a "doe in estrus" that would bring 'em in... Well, it didn't. I did not see a buck all weekend. Saw does, but they didn't come for the lure.

I have had the most luck with salt licks and molasses. I've noticed over the years of living on a cattle farm and hunting for 40 years that deer really do like the smell of sorghum molasses. Put some cattle feed made with molasses out sometimes and watch the deer fight over it... The catch is that you have scent out, the next guy has scent out, and the next, and so on and so forth. So, no matter what you use, it comes down to the pattern of the deer in your area and how you can "modify" that pattern.

Right now, it's pretty much a matter of luck because the deer have so many White Oak acorns (at least on my place) that they don't even want any kind of food - even my food plot is getting little attention. There was some chasing going on, but still think we're a week early into the rut.

But, with all that going on, I had deer coming under my stand (all does, but hey... ) and every one of them stopped to take a smell and lick at my salt lick which I had just freshened the afternoon before.

I will say that the best way to get bucks to your place this time of year is to get the does coming there. The more "at home" the does feel, the more they will stay around. And the more they stay around, the more the bucks will come around...

Here's a deer lick recipe I use which saves a bunch of money over the other stuff and is pretty much the same.... Maybe they should call this Deer Crack....

This makes 5 gallons-

5 Gallon bucket

Boil about 3 gallons of water - Boiling water will dissolve more of the ingredients

6 lbs Iodized salt (or buy cattle salt or rock salt)

2 cups Baking Soda

1.5 Cups Baking Powder

18 oz. Molasses

Potassium Gluconate (20 - 500mg Tablets)

Magnesium (10 - 250mg Tablets)

Add more water to fill the bucket (about another 2 gallons)

Clear a patch of ground about 2-3 ft sq - minor dirt disturbance to aid absorption.

Pour concoction onto bare soil and let it soak in. As the liquid cools some of the ingredients may precipitate out of solution - not a problem - pour that stuff right on top of the wet soil. Refresh every 30-60 days. Also, put a bag or block of mineral salt down before pouring the mixture at least once or twice a year.

Don't mix this in a closed container. It will foam like baking soda and vinegar...



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


I think terry is right minerals and stuff like that seem to draw the deer better than anything I use buck lures and scent dont know why just do for some reason. Never had a buck come in looking for it. had bucks come in with does but never had one come in looking for the scent. the only thing I found that kind of works is to put some doe urin on a piece of cloth and tie it on your shoes and walk in dragging it through the woods although it is not recomended by the people who make it I have never been attacked of the hundreds of times I have done this.I have had 2 deer come in smelling the ground where I walked to my stand one doe and one little spike buck so I cannot say it doesent work but it does have a high failure rate.


Illinois' firearm season is this weekend, I have used doe estrous scent in the past but like the others, haven't had any regular success at it. It is illegal to feed or put out mineral licks here in Illinois. I'm sure it is done, but regulations state you can not feed wildlife but it also states you can hunt so many days after bait is removed. Guess one of those grey areas in the laws. I'm sure I would end up on the black and white (jail) side of the law if I did it. I usually just use vocal calls and antlers and hope for the best.


Eat, Fish, Sleep,....Repeat

Member: ozarkflyfishers http://www.ozarkflyfishers.org/

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Well scents do work if and that is a big word if there are any bucks in the area. I have had great sucess using scents during the rut. Most hunters dont understand that there must be a buck in the area and it must come in contact with the scent to work.Most people just put it out hoping a buck will smell it and come in for a shot. Your best bet is knowing where a big buck is and that will come from scouting. Scout 90% of your time and hunt 10% and your odds go way up. Get to know where that big buck lives and where he goes everyday and you can use scents to fool him.

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