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Has anyone talked to the Corps or the SWPA lately? Is there any plan to stop running water in the near future?

We are trying to make Thanksgiving plans and it comes down to hosting Thanksgiving here in KC or heading to the in-laws in Branson. If there is any chance of being able to wade, I am all for in-laws.


I was actually wondering this same thing, because I will be down there during thanksgiving too


Not sure if this will help or not as it only shows at 7 day intervals. Click on the day of the week on the left hand side of page and find #13 (Table Rock Dam) for the generation schedule. Good luck & happy fishing.

SWPA-Weekly Generation Schedule

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

The two best times to go fishing? When it is raining and when it is not.

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Yeah. I check that link everyday. The problem is that it really only shows about a day and a half ahead of schedule. Rarely can you look a week ahead of time.

We have officially decided to come down next week (my wife made the decision without me). I really hope I am able to fish, because the other alternative is to Christmas shop.


If you can swing it, go by Lilleys and rent a boat if they are generating a lot of water.

That will beat Christmas shopping every day.

"This is not Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."

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