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Went out and about this weekend and hit a few spots. Saturday morning was slow and I got soaked LOL. Went back out Saturday evening and it was lightsout on nearly any color jig as long as it was on the bottom. Sunday, a totally different story, one of the slowest days I have ever experienced!! It seemed like no color jig really turned them on, I would catch one, miss a couple and then there was no more interest. I was thowing 3/32oz jigs in every color I had in the box for about 2 hours before I finally admited defeat!! One thing I did see and was wondering if anyone else was out and saw this was a line of three boats anchored off of the deeper water in the trophy area making absolutely no bones about fishing with powerbait!! UNBELIEVABLE!! I saw these guys just destroying they and I though I had lost my touch and much to my shock the had the jars out on the bow of their boats and were just sitting there dunking their bait and drinking. I almost let it go, but I saw 5 dead fish a little ways downstream from where they were sitting and nearly had a fit too myself. I just wanted to rant a little bit and see if anyone else had witnessed this blatant disreguard for the rules, I guess maybe I am just being a little over the top about this but DANG, they could have just parked in the armada of boats at the mouth of Fall Creek and been good to go..OH WELL, off the soap box, I guess if a tree falls in the woods.....!! Good luck out there!!!!!!!

A fool with a plan is always better than a genius with NO PLAN!!!!


Does anyone know a conservations agents # they could call to stop that. Some people have no clue or just don't care.


I believe you can call operation game thief. 1-800-392-1111


I see the two agents in the boat almost every time I fish up there. Very surpirsed they didn't get checked. They usually approach you and ask if you will particapte in a survey. These guys will get caught eventually.


Being that nonchalant about using powerbait makes me wonder if it wasn't more of a case of total ignorance of the rules. That is certainly no excuse. In that situation I would be tempted to politely mention the regulations in that area, and give them a chance to not get ticketed. However, there would also be the possibility of a confrontation with a bunch of guys that, as you said had been drinking.so I think in that situation a call to Operation Game Theft would be in order without even confronting the offenders. I usually have my cell phone in the boat, and have OGT's number in the directory.

Real men go propless!

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Those guys in the green MDC V bottom were up there no more than a quarter mile upstream and had to have went right past them, maybe they figured they would still be there when they turned around to leave!! I passed em and talked to them for a second and told em it was a slow day, Oh well, they'll get whats coming to then in the end!! What eas really dishearteneing to me was seeing those dead fish around them!

A fool with a plan is always better than a genius with NO PLAN!!!!

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I will definately put that number in my phone, they had to have not known the rules, it was way to obvious!! Thanks guys!!

A fool with a plan is always better than a genius with NO PLAN!!!!


The guys in the green boat were probably the two older guys that do the creel census. They are not agents and they are really doing a survey.

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Yep, your probably right. They didn't look like agents, but I didn't know for sure!

A fool with a plan is always better than a genius with NO PLAN!!!!

The guys in the green boat were probably the two older guys that do the creel census. They are not agents and they are really doing a survey.

Really I never know that. See them all the time and thought they were agents. Surely they have a knowledge of the regulations and the ability to call in an agent if infractions are occuring. Seems like a waste of money to pay TWO men to do a creel check and they run all the way from Scotty's for this and I've seem them go in and out a couple of times a day. Wow.

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