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i know i couldnt believe i forgot to grab it out of my car....we met friends and were in a hurry transferring stuff to my dads friends suv. Small black case with a 4 piece rod in it in the dark. Oh well though. Ill remember next time. Woulda been awesome to get her on the flyrod. We should be down some this weekend though :D

Oh and the tricos were crazy. 20 or smaller....the fish were really goin crazy for em.


On Saturday and Sunday (later in the morning due to cold on Sunday) what I thought were Tricos turned out to be tiny olives (baetis I think?).

They were sub-20 and the fish responded well to my usual greyish smal dry fly w/grizzly hackle that I use in Montauk for Tricos.

I find wierd joy in seeing a different mayfly than the usual trico down there. Like the other day on the roof at work (close to the mississippi river) I saw a mayfly fluttering - turned out to be a red-quill looking thing about a 14 size, and it wasn't just fluttering, it was being held by the head by a tiny spider that was haning from it's silk. I only had my cell phone camera and couldn't get a good shot of the thing. Too bad, i thought a couple of like-minded nerds here would appreciate it.

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i was down on thursday and lemme tell ya the fishing was awesome....the hatch was crazy in the morning and the fish were taking topwater like crazy...........only problem was i forgot my flyrod but others were doing well. Lots of nice sized fish in the stream right now and they should finish the season strong from what i see :)

I did manage to catch a 7 lb female rainbow just above the dam boy oh boy did she fight like crazy it was a good ten minutes or so before i landed her. I caught her on my "lunker suicide" as others have named the jig i tie. Lost another 5lb+ but oh wellz. Caught a tonnnnnn of fish, they really are stacked up this year IMO..... lol what about all that reduced numbers talk? we talked with tom the hatchery mgr and they were only supplying meramec as of a few months ago. Couldnt ask for a better hatchery mgr than him, compared to the other parks i really believe he blows the other guys away! He can really grow some nice fish!

So what does this "lunker sucide" consisit of and look like? I am curious....

Novice Fly fisher.

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