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It is time once again for the Fall Classic Float and Fish on the NFOW. Last year was filled with beautiful colors, great river conditions and a few nice fish. We are hoping for the same this year.

Most of us have our own kayaks, however, as a couple of people will be flying in we will be short one canoe. Would someone please advise me who rents canoes at this time of year?

Secondly, I'm wondering what cfs I should be expecting should the rain hold off.

Lastly, where in the heck is that huge trout that took my last black rubber legs in October 2008? Not really expecting a reply on that, but I sure would like to know.


Hey Dude,

ROLF rents canoes all year long.

I would expect seriously good water when you get here....somewhere below or around 700 cfs.

The big fish is about a mile and a half below the falls-----and still there. :)


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Thank you Brian. I will be giving ROLF a call about that canoe. I'm so anxious to get to the NFOW I can hardly concentrate while at work and I still have to work tomorrow before I leave. Grrrr!!!!

  • 2 weeks later...
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Our group arrived at Patrick Bridge MDC campground on 10/22/09 at about 4 pm, at which point it had been raining most of the previous night and all day. The rain continued to fall until 10 pm that night. UGH!!!!! After a quick camp set up I headed down to the bridge and quickly landed a 12" brown that I released . Great way to start a trip! Unfortunately, that was the first of only two trout for the entire weekend.

Friday morning I got up and headed down to the river to give her a look see. Flowing fast, brown and high, I noticed a considerable amount of debris on the bridge. At some point during the night the river crested over the bridge. However, it had fallen to the point where there was about 6 inches of clearance between the river and bridge at about 8 am. We then shuttled our yaks and canoe up to Hammond and floated down to Patrick Bridge. Although the sky was dismal and gray throughout the day it was still a great albeit non tout producing float.

Saturday morning I headed over to ROLF and picked up a canoe for my out of town buddy and headed back to Patrick Bridge where we put in. The river was clearing up in color, loosing its muddy brown and becoming green despite the still heavy flow. Weather wise, Saturday was a glorious day for a float. The fall colors and cloudless sky was amazing. I managed to bring the second of only two brown to hand, again a 12" holed up against the bank about a half mile up river from the monkey house. The fishing was lackluster, but at least I didn't get skunked. We pulled out at Tecumseh and made our way back to camp.

Despite the high water and less than great fishing the Fall Float Classic was a great weekend and fun was had by all.

Sunday, we tried something different and headed over to Bryant Creek . I posted my report on the Bryant creek page.

A big THANK YOU to ROLF for renting us a canoe to take over to Bryant Creek and to Brian Wise for the suggestion.

On a side note, does anyone know of the monkey house on the NFOW aside from my floating buddies?



It is owned by the same guy who has chimps housed just off the town square in West Plains. If you know where to look, you can sometimes see them in their outside cage in West Plains. Kind of strange.




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Another question. I have looked online for the property about 1 mile up river from Patrick Bridge on river left but have not been able to locate said property with any real estate agencies. The sign was Century 21, but I can't seem to find the listing.

On a side note, does anyone know of the monkey house on the NFOW aside from my floating buddies?


I remember see the monkeys on the decks back in the mid 90's. Seemed like there was a sign on the decks saying something like 'keep away - attack snakes' as well.

Just downstream from that was a nice riffle that was always the last spot to catch trout before you reach the dawt mill 'lake'.

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That is Russ Cochrans place, I belive he is down to 1 or 2 chimps now, he keeps them in town now I hardly ever see them at his cabin anymore. I remember when i was in High School and he made the front page of the paper by bring in his chimp to the hospital and demanded treatment on it.

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