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Don't caome down this weekend, we have a bigger flood than 2 weeks ago. Unfishable and not safe for canoeing either. Sucks because we were fishing pretty darn well since the last flood and catching some real nice fish. Oh well, maybe when it camoes back down the fishing will be real good again.





here's a few pictures of the flood

(from left to right ) Riverton,Greer,Turner,142 the Narrows

Anybody want to fish the parking lots ?






Tito DeGiosio & Cydney Siri

Pleasnt Valley Cabin and Camping

(Home of the fresh baked pies)




gauge broke at 5,240 cfs and 7,79 ft

Most recent instantaneous value: 5,240 10-23-2009 20:30




Tito DeGiosio & Cydney Siri

Pleasnt Valley Cabin and Camping

(Home of the fresh baked pies)




Was looking to make a fishing trip somewhat soon but by my estimates, without much more rain, it looks like the river might not be fishable until the 2nd week or so in November. This is also rifle season for deer. If I was on the river during deer season, would I run into a large number of hunters and does Whiten and Turner fill up with campers???


I don't go out during opening weekend anymore as there are to many intoxicated people with firearms in the national forest then. After that weekend, it is fine as the more serious hunters are left. If you do go out, wear orange and you will be fine I would imagine. I've done it before, but too many gun shots for my liking.




Was looking to make a fishing trip somewhat soon but by my estimates, without much more rain, it looks like the river might not be fishable until the 2nd week or so in November. This is also rifle season for deer. If I was on the river during deer season, would I run into a large number of hunters and does Whiten and Turner fill up with campers???

if anyone is camping it will mostly be at whitten the river is only used by a handfull of hunters during hunting seasons but seeing one or two is not out of the question If it was me I would be wearing a orange cap and vest for your safety some hunters will walk in from the upper roads and may not see you in there line of sights when shooting near the river if your not wearing orange

Tito DeGiosio & Cydney Siri

Pleasnt Valley Cabin and Camping

(Home of the fresh baked pies)




Rain,Rain,Rain and more Rain whats the deal haven't we had enough just can't win here the river is still up guys and was on it's way down but came up more last night due to the rains we had yesterday And they are calling for more rain thurs and friday so don't expect this river to be ok anytime soon anybody know of any other trout streams or creeks that are fishable right now

there is a plus side to the high water if you just want to get out and fish for smallies the upper section would ok in a few days as long as we don't get a down pour

well be sure and check the levels before heading anywhere looks like high water no matter wear you go

Tito DeGiosio & Cydney Siri

Pleasnt Valley Cabin and Camping

(Home of the fresh baked pies)



thanks for the info about fishing during deer season...!!!

not a problem but something I will add to my other post is that I have been told that upper section of the river is still running brown

so fishing would not be that good but if you just want to get out and injoy the fall colors then just keep your eye on the river levels before coming down

Tito DeGiosio & Cydney Siri

Pleasnt Valley Cabin and Camping

(Home of the fresh baked pies)



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