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Well things have not improved all that much. Getting some fairly heavy rain at the present time. Had a few more folks fishing this morning. The water still high, fast, and murky. Caught a limit this morning the biggest a little better than a pound. I did speak with person selling tags about derby day. They have fish in holding area several about ten pounds I am told. The weather too nasty to check out right now but will try before friday night, I will attempt to take a few pics and post them.

If the rain continues as is saturday will be real treat. If they get three inches of rain that will cause water level up to ground level and may cause some minor flooding.

Sorry not a glowing reprot but that is the way it is.



I would venture to say those 10 lbers are some real fine looking fish.

Guess we would look the same if someone held us up by our heads and tried to strip our guts out our rear ends, lol.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

later on

My friends say I'm a douche bag ??

Avatar...mister brownie

bm <><



According to the forecasts, last weekend for Catch and Keep (for this season) might be a bit hairy with the high water, but I'm sure there will be plenty of anglers out there trying to catch "the big one".

As to what brownie is talking about, about 8 years back on the last weekend of the year at Bennett, I landed a big 7 lb bow. Here was the problem. I landed it in less than 15 seconds and could not revive it. So ended up keep "the darn thing". After about 10 more minutes of fishing I decided to clean "the darn thing". When trying to fillet "the darn thing", I ended up throwing out all the meat because it was like mush in my hands. It was disgusting. Any way that is my two cents about the big fish they put in at the end of the season.



Woo Hoo Fish On!!

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As much rain we have had this eveing I would bet they will get flooded out.

You ain't a live'n if your not a fish'n


Talked to my buddy kevin and he was down with the guys for derby day. They had some serious oxygen/ water temp issues because at the whistle he saw a tail up in the murky water and grabbed it and it was a dead 7lb. There were 5 lunkers dead from what he saw just after the whistle. It was crazy he said, and not many fish we being caught at all.. Biggest caught alive was 3 lb. Real sad to see those fish go out like that and not give someone the thrill of fightin em :(

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What a shame.....hate to hear that.

You ain't a live'n if your not a fish'n

Talked to my buddy kevin and he was down with the guys for derby day. They had some serious oxygen/ water temp issues because at the whistle he saw a tail up in the murky water and grabbed it and it was a dead 7lb. There were 5 lunkers dead from what he saw just after the whistle. It was crazy he said, and not many fish we being caught at all.. Biggest caught alive was 3 lb. Real sad to see those fish go out like that and not give someone the thrill of fightin em :(

I heard that same thing from a guy at work. That's horrible. He said that a couple on the bank were pushing 8-9 pounds. The story I heard was that they put the fish in the truck tank the night before so the wouldn't lose any to any flooding overnite, then without having fresh oxygen till morning, they stocked them in that muddy water and they were going belly up. That is nonsense.


The park has had a couple "goof ups" this year. First thousands of fingerlings get loose, now a bunch of dead lunkers.

The only good line is a tight line

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