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Its been pretty slim on fishing reports so I figured I would post mine even though it is not much of one.

I put in at Aunts Creek today around 10:30. I figured with the cloud cover I could scrounge up a few on top water first thing but no such luck . After spending about an hour with the spook I figured I would run out to the main lake to try some drop shoting. On the way out I saw a few loons sitting in the mouth of a cove so I stopped and graphed a big school of bait. I ended up catching six spots which all were around 12" in length on a white spoon. From around 1 to 4:30 I only picked up one more small spotted bass on a football jig in 12' foot of water off a dock.

From 4:30 to about 5:15 was when the action picked up. I picked up 3 keeper spots and 4 shorts on the spook off of docks sitting on chunk rock banks. Today was the first time I have been out in almost a month. I was about burned out on deer hunting and it was nice to be back on the water.

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Wow 7 fish on a top water..that'll get your blood pumping just as fast as killing a great big Buck anyway !! Well maybe not, but you know what I mean.. :D

Thanks for the report..

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