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I had a great day on the Meramec last Friday 4/28 near the Cardiac access from about 2-7 pm. Water levels were slowly falling and at ~325 cfs, down from over 500 cfs a few days ago and up from under 200 cfs a week ago.

In general, there were a lot of bugs on the water. A good mix of mayflys and a fair share of buzzing caddis. Mayflys ranged from size 14-16 to smaller than 30. Lots of rising fish taking bugs just beneath the surface.

Started fishing the riffle right at the access with minor success. Had a couple good looks and a strike on a duskystripe streamer, then switched over to a 14 green PT soft hackle and then a 14 PT nymph. Had missed strikes on each.

I moved up to the cabin riffle, starting with the 14 green PT soft hackle. Lots of rising browns to emerging insects in this area. Had a streak of either a landed or missed fish on a series of about 10 casts, all little stocker browns but very eager to put up a fight. Switched to throwing an olive clouser and then a black bunny leech. Landed a healthy 15 inch brown on the latter and a few casts later a pig of a 16 inch rainbow on the former. Both fish were great fighters and really used the current to their advantage.

Continued up past the cabin riffle to the nice run above it. A couple years ago this run really didn't exist but heavy rains must have created a gravel wash and created it. Anyways, this run was loaded with bows and browns of all sizes. Worked upstream with a 14 PT nymph and landed a couple small browns but missed several more. Near the head of the run switched back to the hackle and then to a 20 BWO emerger. Landed a 17 inch brown swinging the emerger, though I'll admit more out of luck than paying attention. I was looking upstream trying to spot fish while letting the emerger tail out in the drift when the strike came.

Moved up past the sawyer hole to the long, slower stretch adjacent to the huge gravel bar below Dry Fork. Picked up 5 bows (12-14 inches) drifting the PT nymph and missed probably twice that many.

Decided to turn around and fish downstream with the clouser pattern back to Cardiac. Picked up quite a few more smaller browns (8-10 inches) on this. By 5:30, the rain started to pick up and steady, but it felt great out on the water. Didn't see a single other fisherman or canoe. Saw no other people on the water and a turkey on the way out. A great day of fishing.

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