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Missouri Smallmouth Alliance Holding Chapter Organization Meeting In Springfield, Mo

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The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance (MSA) is pleased to announce that a contingent of MSA members will be in Springfield on Saturday, February 20, 2010 to hold an informational meeting concerning smallmouth bass conservation and expansion of its membership. The meeting will include a brief stream smallmouth fishing seminar. Anyone interested in joining or helping form a Southwest Missouri Chapter of the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance is invited.

When: 1:30-4:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 20, 2010.

Where: The Story Hour Room in The Library Center, the headquarters of the Springfield Greene-County Library System, located at 4653 South Campbell, Springfield, Missouri 65810-1723 Phone: (417) 882-0714

Why: The MSA understands that there are many committed anglers and other citizens who are interested in helping working to improve and protect their stream smallmouth bass fisheries in Southwest Missouri. Members of the new Southwest Missouri chapter will help provide regional insight on regional threats to stream smallmouth bass fisheries; sponsor local events and outings; participate in the distribution of the MSA’s “Free the Fighter” educational signs which our members post at river and stream accesses; obtain membership in Stream Team 509; and generally help educate the public of the importance of volunteering to help conserve our precious Ozark stream and river smallmouth fisheries.

What do new members receive when they join? In addition to the benefits mentioned above, for their $20.00 annual membership, members will get:

1. A copy of Chuck Tryon’s 200 Missouri Smallmouth Adventures

2. A one year subscription to our bi-monthly publication the Bronzeback News

3. A one year subscription to Outdoor Guide Magazine

4. A six month subscription to River Hills Traveler

The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization whose members are concerned with protecting and improving Missouri’s native smallmouth bass fisheries through angler education, conservation and active participation. Since its founding in 1992, the MSA’s central aim has been to help create world class smallmouth bass fishing in Missouri through the widespread practice of catch-and-release, the expansion of quality-based fisheries regulations and through the protection of fragile stream fisheries habitat and their surrounding watersheds.

For more information about the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance go to: www.missourismallmouthalliance.org

For more information about this event contact Matt Wier at wierfish@yahoo.com

Matt Wier


The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance: Recreation, Education, and Conservation since 1992

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