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Keep May 22nd on your calendars, folks... We're having a benefit Tie-A-Thon and auction for Terry Tanner on that day. Terry's wife, if you don't know, has ALS or Lou Gherig's Disease. They've mounted a lot of medical bills and Terry came into Backcountry Outfitters to ask Tim and me if we would help him sell his fly stuff to pay the bills. Well, that ain't happ'nin' if we can help it. Terry's got tooooo many friends from all over the world and Tim and I have started putting together this benefit. I'll keep you informed on the event, but just know that we're going to sell chances for a pile of flies at $5 a chance.

Due to not being able to find a venue for the event on May 8th, we've moved it out to May 22nd in Branson. This will be good for those of you in Arkansas who want to come up and is close enough for those in Springfield to go ahead and come. I'll post directions and such later.

If you'd like to donate flies, auction items, or other, you can mail them to the shop. We have a bank account set up for the fund, and I set up a PayPal account soon so you can donate that way if you like. Just PayPal it to "tannerbeenfit@terrybeeson.net" and it will go into the bank account set up for Terry.

Be sure to tell all your friends, too!!!

If you are on Facebook, you can search for "Terry and Shirley Tanner Benefit Fund" and become a fan.

Fowkes Backcountry Outfitters

2863 S Campbell Ave

Springfield, MO 65807

Attn: Terry and Shirley Tanner Benefit Fund



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

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