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Put in at Long Creek this morning. Rather slick, very clear water above 86. From 6 AM to 9:30 AM the K's would destroy the spook. We lost count at 30 by 8:30 AM. However, the spook fish were mainly under 12". We did not catch a keeper on tops. However, you could throw the grub and the larger K's came - Ended up with 4 keeps in the 2-3 lbs range before making a dumb move. Most fish came from cuts in chunk rock or ledgey banks near the bluff ends or points.

About 10 headed for the DAM area, just wanted to catch SMJs. We ended up with a few shorts SMJs and K's. Finally caugth two barey legal SMJs that on the grub. Decided to head over the Jaques Creek and throw blades in the wind - We definately had wind. Had to hold on to stay in the boat and use all 100 lbs to keep the boat off the bank. Only very short fish would hit the blade.

Tried flipping the fluke in the docks and had several fish follow it up. Switched to very aggresively fishing the jerkbait and hooked up with two very large jaws 4-5 lbs, but only landed one. This was definetly the big fish bite, but it was very hard to fish the bait this hard and make accurate cast in the wind. Also, don't like throwing $30 baits around docks. Caught several more fish on this method but no more keeps.

Thanks for the reports this week, they were all spot on. I would only add the K's were stacked on shadey bluff ends with transitions to water in the 20' range. The wind factor seemed not to matter on this bite. We caught several doing about whatever you want: grub, C-rig, tube, shakey head, and jig. I have a hunch the K's are in pre-spawn feeding mode due there greater than normal aggresive behavior. When you would reel them in, several would come in together - just drop the fluke and almost double up every time.

Great day on the lake. Caught fish all day, but ended up with only 7 keepers. Best 5 probably around 12-13 lbs. Also, needed all 21-10" of the Coosa and a rain coat when heading back to Long Creek. Still not catching the really good ones very well but maybe I am starting to break out of my slump.


B. Foz


good report. color me green.

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We were also out there yesterday evening (not until 6pm and only until dark). We had a great evening catching 6 keepers and probably 15+ shorts and lost 4 more on the fluke that were close to measuring: our best 5 went at least 15lbs (3 of the keepers were LGM, 1 big kentucky and a stud smj) We caught them on the fluke, shakey head, grub, and spook late in the day in a cove out of the wind. We fished windy, main lake pockets near the dam and oddly enough I couldn't buy a bite on the blade: found them on the points and in the back, but nothing in between.

Be safe this weekend and watch out for the storms.

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