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Is there any good shore fisning on Beaver?

I'm in the process of moving from Mountain Home to the Rogers/Springdale area and need to know of some good shoreline access spots.

Any good place to put in a kayak without getting run over by a bass boat zipping along at 60 mph would be nice to know too.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.


Are you looking for bank fishing or kayak fishing? Bank fishing is not very productive on this lake. I did it for years and bought tons of baits and managed to loose a bait or two almost every trip because I didn't wade in to retrieve the baits (usually depth was over my head and not worth it).

I fished from a 12ft jon boat for a couple of years too so I can relate to fishing from a kayak. I'd love to have a Hobbie kayak and enjoy a sunrise on peacefull waters. Instead, I fish from my fiberglass boat because of being over-run by ski boats and other bass boats.

Here's what I recommend:

A) Get a Beaver Lake map at Walmart (about $8) that has contours, launch ramps, etc.

B) Look at shorelines on Google Earth or Google Maps online and find open shore lines with roads that appear to access these shorelines.

C) Explore

That's what I did and it worked for me.

Here are a few spots that I know hold fish and offer access for launching kayaks:

- Van Winkle Hollow (very back of Van Winkle). There is an old road that runs right into the lake and you can launch there. There is also a ski course setup back there so during the summer months, the skiers are relentless and do not care about you being there or not. The wakes from ski boats are big and can overtake a kayak. I've even fished there at sunrise and had skiers come into the cove shortly after. It's a beautiful spot but early summer and early morning or just before sundown is the best times to fish there. Good topwater action or flyrod action if the water is calm.

- Indian Creek

If you launch at Lost Bridge North (early AM), you can go to the left and fish the back of the cove on the left of the campsite

- Montne

If you go to Montne Chicken (if you don't know where that is, FIND IT AND EAT THERE!!!!!!!! Best food in this area), go past Montne Chicken and turn to the right when you get about 150yards past it. Then you will look for a gravel trail/road to the left in between two hills. There is a paved road to the right but you want the trail that goes into the woods on the left. The area opens up to shore line and puts you in a good spot for kayak fishing (early AM) before all the boat traffic starts. Most bass boats do not go back here. The water has a channel on the opposite bank and some stumps on the right back in the back before it gets really shallow. You should try a Carolina rig, texas rig, or some crankbaits. Usually plastics work well here.

Hope this helps and good luck on the hunt for good spots.

Also, try Lake Leatherwood since it's a "no wake lake". BEAUTIFUL LAKE!

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Are you looking for bank fishing or kayak fishing? Bank fishing is not very productive on this lake. I did it for years and bought tons of baits and managed to loose a bait or two almost every trip because I didn't wade in to retrieve the baits (usually depth was over my head and not worth it).

I fished from a 12ft jon boat for a couple of years too so I can relate to fishing from a kayak. I'd love to have a Hobbie kayak and enjoy a sunrise on peacefull waters. Instead, I fish from my fiberglass boat because of being over-run by ski boats and other bass boats.

Here's what I recommend:

A) Get a Beaver Lake map at Walmart (about $8) that has contours, launch ramps, etc.

B) Look at shorelines on Google Earth or Google Maps online and find open shore lines with roads that appear to access these shorelines.

C) Explore

That's what I did and it worked for me.

Here are a few spots that I know hold fish and offer access for launching kayaks:

- Van Winkle Hollow (very back of Van Winkle). There is an old road that runs right into the lake and you can launch there. There is also a ski course setup back there so during the summer months, the skiers are relentless and do not care about you being there or not. The wakes from ski boats are big and can overtake a kayak. I've even fished there at sunrise and had skiers come into the cove shortly after. It's a beautiful spot but early summer and early morning or just before sundown is the best times to fish there. Good topwater action or flyrod action if the water is calm.

- Indian Creek

If you launch at Lost Bridge North (early AM), you can go to the left and fish the back of the cove on the left of the campsite

- Montne

If you go to Montne Chicken (if you don't know where that is, FIND IT AND EAT THERE!!!!!!!! Best food in this area), go past Montne Chicken and turn to the right when you get about 150yards past it. Then you will look for a gravel trail/road to the left in between two hills. There is a paved road to the right but you want the trail that goes into the woods on the left. The area opens up to shore line and puts you in a good spot for kayak fishing (early AM) before all the boat traffic starts. Most bass boats do not go back here. The water has a channel on the opposite bank and some stumps on the right back in the back before it gets really shallow. You should try a Carolina rig, texas rig, or some crankbaits. Usually plastics work well here.

Hope this helps and good luck on the hunt for good spots.

Also, try Lake Leatherwood since it's a "no wake lake". BEAUTIFUL LAKE!

I am actually looking to both shore fish and kayak fish. Right now my yak is in the storage locker and I'm not planning on hauling it out for another week or so depending on where I can find a place to live. Where I'm staying now is not an option to keeping a kayak around.

Shore fishing is always an option for me since I can get off work and just drive to the lake and fish without the hassle of hauling the yak out of the van and setting it up and then drying off afterwards (my yak is a sot.)

I have the map you are refering to. I just haven't gotten around to "exploring" yet. I was hoping to get some info from those who are more familiar with the lake and might know of some back water bays that might be close enough to a launch area. The info you provided will be a good start. I have off of work this Friday so I'll definately get out and check some of the places you listed.

I haven't found Van Winkle Hollow or Monte but I'll study the map some more.

What do you know about War Eagle and Blue Springs Recreation Areas down at the south end of the lake? They look far enough from the main lake that they might not receive too much pressure. Hickory Creek RA also looks like it might have some nice back bays close by.

Well, thanks for the info. I'll have to get out there and put some time in now.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.


LOTS of kayaking waters. There are also lots of bass boats who really dont care that you are there.

Hickory Creek is good. Lots of coves off the main lake.

Monte Ne is good as well. Pretty heavily traveled, but you can stay out of the traffic.

Prairie Creek has some good coves, but also gets lots of traffic

Dam Site Ramp has some good coves in it, but the wind can crank if your out in the middle.

Explore that WM map. It is your best resource. You can use it and google earth to get an idea about structure and access. Welcome to Nw Ark as well. There are lots of good places to paddle on the lake. Also the Kings within a decent drive. Drop me a line and we can explore Lake Atalanta or Beaver. I need to run to motor on the boat.

Zack Hoyt

OAF Contributor

Flies, Lies, and Other Diversions


LOTS of kayaking waters. There are also lots of bass boats who really dont care that you are there.

Hickory Creek is good. Lots of coves off the main lake.

Monte Ne is good as well. Pretty heavily traveled, but you can stay out of the traffic.

Prairie Creek has some good coves, but also gets lots of traffic

Dam Site Ramp has some good coves in it, but the wind can crank if your out in the middle.

Explore that WM map. It is your best resource. You can use it and google earth to get an idea about structure and access. Welcome to Nw Ark as well. There are lots of good places to paddle on the lake. Also the Kings within a decent drive. Drop me a line and we can explore Lake Atalanta or Beaver. I need to run to motor on the boat.

Thanks for the input.

I tried to pm you but got some message about you not being able to recieve any more pm's at this time. Don't know what that's about. I'd like to get out and explore Atalanta or Beaver. In fact, I'll be over to Atalanta tomorrow nite (Sunday) from 6-7:30 or so if it ain't raining again. If you're out and about, look for the white Plymouth Grand Voyager with the TU, BASS, NAFC, stickers on the back window. I still haven't gotten around to ordering my OA stickers.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.

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