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went with my dad today to catch some crappie. we ended up with 8 keepers and 4 shorts. only fished mdc brush beds and a couple of hidden ones that have beed passed down from other more wise crappie fisherman. did better on the mdc beds than any other. live minnows only. nice hot day on the lake with my dad


Yeah it was brutal with no wind it took me several hours to get on a good solid pattern I had the boat sitting in 15-19 ft of water catching mine right off the bottom I only had 7 keepers but all of them were huge 13-14 inchers very nice crappie I am up set we didn't stay a bit longer but it was just too hot. My fish all came on shiners hooked through the tail with a size 4 aberdeen hook and a size 5 split shot weight I would sink it down to the bottom and crank up about 4 turns then let it sit most of my fish were caught in open water with no timber or brush I was fishing in the creeks that's about all the info I can give you good luck.

Brandon Inman

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I was on the lake from 10am-5pm. I went targeting walleye, but got into some crappie. I ended the day with 14 keeper crappie and 2 keeper walleye. I went solo and was trolling crankbaits in sunfish color that dove 14-16ft. I mostly trolled in 18-25ft of water, but ended up with finding the last 8 crappie on a cut 14-17ft deep between two mainlake points on the east side of the lake. The wind had funneled the baitfish in there and the crappie were stacked in there. I probably could have stopped and vertical fished with a tube and crappie nibbles and caught more crappie, but I stuck with the cranks as I was after walleye. I even had a largemouth that went 18.25" on the crakbait, "thought I had hooked big walleye." I releases abot 15 short crappie, 7 short walleye and about 30 white bass. Overall it was a pretty good day.

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