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I have a couple of friends that just moved up here from S Texas and they are BIG guys (and that may be an understatement!) Anyone have some hints where they may be able to find some bootfoot waders to fit them. They are truely "big and tall"

I took them out for a few hours a couple of weeks ago and they havent stopped bugging me about it since. The one guy has been going several times a week. Even bought a yearly license (out of state because he hasnt got his MO id yet) they are hooked big time.

You are so stupid you threw a rock at the ground and missed.


I have the same problem! I ended up buyging stocking foot waders with boots that fit. It was probably the best move I've made. The problem with boot foot waders is in order to get it to fit around the mid section you have to have a size 13+ boot. That doesn't work well with my size 9's. I guess I know the problem now. I'm not overweight . . . I'm under foot size.

Anyway; with the stocking foot I can get a wader that fits me real comfortable and a boot that is equally as comfortable to wear for those long days in the water. Tell your friends to try this out and see what they think.

Best of luck ya old "jarhead". That's from a squid so smile brother. Semper Fi!

Born to Fish, Forced to Work



WOW..who would have EVER guessed that a squid would be good for something? :)

Thanks for that info , I will pass it along to them. One of them had to special order a vest, if that tells ya anything.

You are so stupid you threw a rock at the ground and missed.


I have the big middle little feet thing going on as well. I am told that some of the better companies will custom make you a set of boot foots to your specifications. I talked to the guys at River Run and they suggested Orvis. The way I understood it was you had to get guide weight, and the manufacturer charged about $100 for the custom fitting, so in the $400 neighborhood. I went with stockingfoots.


"The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me." Rev MacLean


After searching around for "Big Guy" boot foot waders for sometime..your just not going to find them in configuations if you are big up top, and little on the foot.

But these people do seem to offer many different sizes in stockingfoot waders geared to the larger guy....Dano


I would say some of the shops in the area might carry the Albright brand. I hope they let us know.

Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


I too find my self with a problem fit. I wear a size eight shoe and have a fourty-four inch chest. I have found that the better (more expensive)the wader the more sizes they have. I have settled on a Simms wader size Large Short (I am five foot eight inches tall). I would not recommend any wader that is not breathable. Been there done that!

John Berry


Fly Fishing For Trout




  • 2 weeks later...

I would have to suggest Simms because of there warrinty no questions asked for a lifetime. Dollar for dollar they are the best waders. Orvis waders have had bad problems with leaking, and there warrinty is prorated anything over two years your out of luck. I have had my Simms waders for 9 years only one issue with leaking my fault, crossed a fence caused a few holes and they fixed them for 25 bucks. Great company to work with. I have all there waders in stock so stop by and check them out. I am an Albright dealer aswell.


To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!



I have to disagree about the Orvis warranty. Last week I sent my 5 year old leaky Silver Labels to the Orvis Service Center in Virginia. Today I get a call back saying that the stocking feet leaks were irrepairable and they would be sending me a brand new pair today. The Orvis warranty website says their waders have a lifetime warranty and if they can be fixed will charge you 30 bucks for the repairs. Mine could not be fixed, so they are sending me the new ones, no charge. I think that is pretty good service.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


Then they have changed it back to there original deal. When I bought the store about 2 years ago that is when Orvis was having there leaking problems and that is when they were prorated. I'm glad to here that they have gone back to there original plan, because I know of quite a few guy's that had orivs that had the problem and they would not honor thier warnity. That's when I droped orvis from my store. I should have checked it out before I stated anything sorry for putting misinformation out . The other day I was in the actual Orvis store in Denver the one on 1st ave just north of the Cherry Creek Mall and they had Simms waders. They had the G3 the Classic Guide and the L2 I found it funny that the actual Orvis store where they only sell Orvis Merchandise would carry Simms. That has to say something not that I'm reading into anything. But that is why I only carry the Simms waders.

To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!

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