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I was looking through my cable guide to set up recording some shows and found that some of the outdoor type channels have brought out several new shows and brought back some others. I wanted to share the ones I am recording and hope you get a chance to see them as well. I'd like to see most if not all of them stay on. But we've got to watch in order for them to stay on...

Fly Rod Chronicles with Curtis Fleming - Sportsman's Channel

Fly Fish TV with Kelly Galloup - Versus (With Davy Wotton tying tips)

Fly Fishing the World - Sportsman's Channel

Angling in American Parks - Sportsman's Channel

North to Alaska with Larry Czonka - Versus

Hooked on the Fly - Sportsman's Channel

Wild on the Fly - Outdoor Channel

Seasons on the Fly - Versus

Familiar Waters - Outdoors Channel

Trout Unlimited Television - Sportsman's Channel (not sure if that is still on)

Fly Fisherman - Sportsman's Channel (not sure on this one either.)

Any others you know of that I'm missing?



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


I used to watch a lot of fishing shows on tv. Roalnd Martin, Jimmy Houston, Bill Dance...

Now the only fishing shows I would bother to watch are fly fishing shows. Can't wait till I can get my own place and have control over the tv.

But then, I'd rather be out fishing than watching some tv show anyway.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.


I too used to watch all fishing shows till the "BOO YAH" mentality wore me down. I'll keep my eyes open for these fly fishing programs, I am especially interested in galloup's. Thanks for the info


If you Dish Network with the HD package, there is a channel you get, 394, World Fishing Network. Tuesday night is Fly fishing Tuesday. Its several hours of only fly fishing shows.

"When you do things right, people wont be sure you've done anything at all."


Are any of these available to watch online?

If fishing was easy it would be called catching.


Does is drive anyone else crazy when watching fly fishing shows that they almost never show where and what the person is casting to and the drift? Instead, the just show a front view of the person fishing, but you can't tell what is going on in the water.

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