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I took my little solo canoe out Saturday and paddled up-stream from the Stoney Point access up around Grandview. I figured there would be just enough water flow below the confluence with Osage creek to get up river, otherwise I would of gone to a more scenic section of river. I also wanted to scout the area out, since I never have been there, and might want to go back later in the year to try to get some walleye. I assume white bass also run up the Kings? I went up 5 or 6 sets of rapids, and had a nice time. I didn't get one single bite, but that was ok. The area was teeming with birds. I must of seen dozens of ducks, in groups of about 6 to 12. Saw a dead female wood duck with a gun shot wound floating down the middle of the river. Lots of eagles were about too, including a juvenile that stayed close to one of the adults. I also saw a huge school of carp, each about the same size, 10-12", and there were hundreds of them.

I regret leaving my camera behind, there were some nice scenes with Icicles on the cliffs, and still a lot of ice on the banks. All in all, a pretty nice day.

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I've caught some excellent smallmouth down on that stretch, as well as a few 'eyes and whites. Yes, the whites do run up it, although I have never gone there chasing them in particular, so I couldn't tell you where they congregate the most or when. They do head up there though. It's surprisingly pretty down there. Not quite as striking as further south (upriver), but it's plenty pretty to fish. Once you get below the Stony Point access some of the traffic thins out. A lot of folks take out there after embarking at 62 bridge or so. Really nice fishin' down that way.

Silence is golden.

  • Members

Yes, that's right. I mis-spoke earlier. What Chub said. There are no fish there. Stay away. Tell everyone you know to stay away. In fact, I belive the river has been poisioned and is deadly to touch, smell, or even see. ;)

Silence is golden.

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