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Wife and I went to RR yesterday, took the daughter and her boyfriend, his first experience FF. I did really well with the following flies.

P and P

sz 16 Yellow Crackleback

sz12 Mohair leech

sz14 green halo cracklebck

I thought the water was as low as I have seen it in a long time. Really clear and the trout seemed liked the could really key in on the tippet. My non-fishing daughter seen something that really pissed her off. A hispanic family catching thier limits then putting the catch in the car and catching more. She could not find a park ranger. Thought they were being selfish, and non sportsman like. Anyhow had a nice lunch and a great time with family. The boyfriend did well. If I just teach him not to jerk to set the hook.




Tell your daughter not to fret. I was speaking to a local agent a few days ago and he was telling me that he had ticketed a hispanic group for over limit, fishing illegal bait and keeping fish in the C&R area. I doubt that it was the same group but you can tell her that she may not always see the agent but there is a good chance they are there in plain clothes just waiting for the right moment.

Good Luck and Good Fishing


Good luck and Good fishing


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I know those agents wear plain clothes. I was catching fish after fish one year, worked hard for a while to find that magic fly. I guy walked up to me and asked or rather demanded what I was using, if he had been nicer about it I would of told him. Told him I was using corn on a fly rod. The plains clothes agent didn't see the humor. But that size 14 yellow crackleback was a killer that day.

I don't mind folks taking fish, I take a few, I just hate to see it abused and laws broken. Do folks really need all of that fish to eat.


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