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Was reading an opinion yesterday on the ability to wade the Beaver tailwaters. Opinion was that wading would not be an option until late summer, in a best case scenario. Wondered if anyone had any thoughts or opinion and what plans others have made to stay active and on the water this summer? Also, if this is the case with Beaver, is Tanney and Bull Shoals experiencing the same challenge?

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Was reading an opinion yesterday on the ability to wade the Beaver tailwaters. Opinion was that wading would not be an option until late summer, in a best case scenario. Wondered if anyone had any thoughts or opinion and what plans others have made to stay active and on the water this summer? Also, if this is the case with Beaver, is Tanney and Bull Shoals experiencing the same challenge?

All the lakes along the White River System are experiencing flood conditions and will be passing a lot of water through the dams in the from of heavy generation and open spill ways.

Here is a link the the COE web site that will give you lake levels and the level of the discharge. Only experience will tell you when the discharge level is safe for wading as it is in feet above sea level.

There are also phone numbers to call but I'm not sure what it is over there for Beaver.

SWPA also gives the average discharge in CFS on their web site, but it is not to be relied upon too heavily. In fact, if they have spillways open, that will not show up on the website at all. Just click on the day over on the left.

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