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Started fishing around 11am this morning. I went downstream and fished lookout hole throwing the Big Dry and had some massive hits on it. Sometimes these fish will scare you if you’re not ready for the bite. When they want it they don't wait around to think about it.

If you ever get to fish the bluff out of a boat make sure you look for fish feeding on the surface close to the bank. Not the ones midging, You will notice the difference because they will make a little more disturbance on the water then the way they do when they are sipping midges. So if you throw it in that general area where you see them taking things on the top. Cast your fly and leave it sitting for a minute and more than likely they will come over and get it. Sometimes if you barely give it a twitch that can produce some hits to.

They turned the water on around 1pm and so I got ready for the fast bite. Threw on a worm brown color san juan worm in a size 14 and fished the water rising in the stretch right below the rebar hole. Did real well for about an hour. Seem to have hits every drift going downstream in the boat. Nothing of any real size today. I would say the biggest trout was 18 inches and all rainbows. Nothing really changes when the water rises and I think worms are the easiest things washed up besides sowbugs so they are definitely plentiful in our river system. I always think Taney fishes good with one or two units because the water is still low enough for them to see your flies and the current is not going to fast to still make some good drifts. We fished two generators running for about an hour before they cranked on all four then we decided to cal it a day.


Accept the drift.....<>>><


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