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Fished with my co-worker and all around good guy tonight. We started about 9:30 with the water still up, running, but seeming to go down. The corps real time hotline was busy all night, so we didn't know if they had shut it off or not. By 12 we were able to wade out near the rocking chair, and a large downed tree. Caught fatties on unweighed mohair leeches.

We moved to outlet 2 around 1am. It was there I hooked up with my first brown ever, and it took me into my backing. Have a few dark blurry pictures I might post. We measured it with the rod and it was pushing 30", took several minutes to revive such a giant fish. We stayed longer and caught several more rainbows.

A great night except for the fact that my brand new waders developed a leak. Very frustrating. But the fish were worth it. Rain held off.

Andrew Nelson

Outdoor Adventures Graduate Assistant

Campus Recreation

Missouri State University


Congrats on your first brownie! Sorry to hear about the waders though

Luke Walz


They ain't like Leonard's but they work i guess. Exchanged the waders for a new pair.




Andrew Nelson

Outdoor Adventures Graduate Assistant

Campus Recreation

Missouri State University


Not a bad first brown, time to take up a new hobby, hard to top that! Not gonna get much sympathy about the waders when you are catching fish like that, I think most of us would trade a leak for a fish like that anyday!

"The problem with a politician’s quote on Facebook is you don’t know whether or not they really said it." –Abraham Lincoln

Tales of an Ozark Campground Proprietor

Dead Drift Fly Shop


I can attest to the sheer size of this fish, it was just massive, and we couldln't even get it's head to fit it's head in a net. When he got it close enough I was able to scoop this fish up and it absolutely required a full hug to hold it.

Beautiful fish and an absolute monster, congrats andy.

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