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FYI here is a thread between me and the E.C. Region Fisheries Supervisor regarding the Lower Illinois:



I noticed that the DO level is up to about 8.5 ppm. Any thoughts on when the water quality will be good enough to begin stocking again? Or are you guys any closer to a solution?


Phil Curtis


Phil, we are glad to see oxygen levels are up. This is directly related to the reservoir turning over. Unfortunately we are still subject to SWPA's generation schedule. Good water is what we need. The quality is back but the quantity still remains a potential problem. If swpa decides to not generate for days then the fish could be subject to stranding. We are currently discussing the issue and hope to be able to resume stocking very soon. If the lake reaches 632 elevation we will once again have water to use until we run out once again. A long term permanent solution would sure be a great thing. Thanks for your concerns.

Jim Burroughs



So, the elevation is at 630 now. In the past, when it was above 632, there was around the clock release until it was drawn down. Will this still be the case, or will they allow a few more feet for habitat health?


Phil Curtis


Phil, 632 is the top of the conservation pool. Once the elevation reaches that our "borrowed" water clock will be reset. Outside swpa generation the water that ran before was at our request and schedule and deducted from us. If it reaches 632 I will likely modify our old request since the water and air temps are cooler and there is more oxygen in the water. The hope would be to extend the available water out over a longer period. It's difficult to do that in the summer with high temps and poor water.

The coe is not likely to hold the lake high as their protocol doesn't allow for them to do so. I wish it did and that is one option we are pushing for as a temporary solution. We are asking for a seasonal pool change in the summer which would do just that. It has to be approved by the coe and will be temporary. We still need the long term solution of water allocated to odwc for management of the stream.


We all make decisions; but, in the end, our decisions make us.

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Good information Phil, thanks for posting. Keep us informed.

Tight lines,



I'm glad you posted this, I had emailed Jim and asked him the very same questions you asked. He thought he had replied to me but it was you he replied to. I told him you had posted it on ozarkanglers and answered my questions.



I just noticed that the lake levels are at 632 as of today. I've sent another inquiry to Jim Burroughs. I'll post the response as soon as I receive it.


We all make decisions; but, in the end, our decisions make us.


I just noticed that the lake levels are at 632 as of today. I've sent another inquiry to Jim Burroughs. I'll post the response as soon as I receive it.


Thanks for the insight, it is with bated breath (pun intended) i am waiting to hear one of my favorite places is back to normal

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I just found out from TU that the ODW will resume stocking I believe twice a week and on the weekends. It would be great if this was a solution but it is only temporary. They are resuming due to the DO levels and the lake levels of Tenkiller.

This is what TU is saying:

"HIS JUST IN ... ... stocking trout at Lower Illinois this week ... twice.

Request is being made for water each day from early am to about 4 pm each weekday and then all weekend long. ODWC plans to stay conservative at about 75 cfs for now. But we all know that this is ample to have some great fishing again".

Thanks for your efforts Phil.


"The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope." John Buchan


Here it is, what you were hoping to read right from the horses mouth!

Lake hit 632!! We are resuming stocking this week with two stockings. On the

16th and the 18th and then back to our schedule on the 30th.

Please remember that the same scenario with no water will happen again and we

need your continued support to reach a long term permanent solution.

Thanks for your help.

Jim Burroughs

E.C. Region Fisheries Supervisor

9097 N. 34th St. W.

Porter, OK. 74454


The reward of a thing well done is to have done it.

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who they

think can do nothing for them.

- Malcolm Forbes

-----Original Message-----

From: jcw355@cox.net [jcw355@cox.net]

Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2011 6:32 AM

To: Jim Burroughs

Subject: Re: L.I.R.

Thanks for your reply.

---- Jim Burroughs <jb_odwc@hughes.net> wrote:

> Depends on your definition of progress I suppose. We certainly have the

attention of the coe and swpa as well as some of our elected officials. We

haven't had this at this level maybe ever. That's progress but it's yet to see

if it's meaningful progress or not. Progress towards a permanent solution is

what I'm hoping for. I think in the short term we will be stocking again before

long. I'm asking everyone to please remember that when we do that the problem

still exists and we will no doubt be right where we are now but most likely much

earlier in the year than when it all happened this year. Flood releases into the

summer saved some of "our" water. Please don't stop your support and your calls

and letters to those that can solve the problem. We need only .3 feet more in

the reservoir to get us back to our water allotment. I hope we make it very

soon. All options for us are on the table. We are continuing to discuss what are

the best ones for all concerned including the fish. Sorry I didn't get back to

you before. Thanks for your continued support.

> Jim Burroughs. ODWC


> Sent from my iPhone


> On Nov 12, 2011, at 7:20 PM, <jcw355@cox.net> wrote:


> > No you didn't reply to my questions but you did reply to another person on

OZARKANGLERS.COM, I read his post.. I'm just curious if there can be winter

stocking even with no water agreement. D.O. level are up in the good range now.

The only place I can think of that fish could get stranded is right by the

parking lot going to the dam. Is there any progress being made?

> >

> >

> > ---- Jim Burroughs <jb_odwc@hughes.net> wrote:

> >> Have I replied to your question? If not I apologize and please let me know.

> >>

> >> Thanks, Jim Burroughs

> >>

> >> Sent from my iPhone

> >>

> >> On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:11 PM, <jcw355@cox.net> wrote:

> >>

> >>> I watch the online stats for the Lower Illinois and it has been showing

improvement of the dissolved oxygen levels. I know a permanent agreement needs

to be put in place for water flow when there is no generation for year around

trout stocking, so my question is, can trout be stocked during the winter months

like many other places in Oklahoma? I hope this is an option for now.

> >>>

> >>> Thank you for your attention

> >>> James C. Wolfe


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