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From the AFS web feed:

Subject: Call for papers: Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation

A special symposium is being organized to be held in conjunction with the Southern Division American Fisheries Society (SDAFS) Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN in February 2013. This symposium will emphasize the conservation need and diversity of black basses (genus Micropterus) in their native habitats. Of the nine described species or subspecies of black bass in North America, three were described in the past 12 years and more possibly exist as undescribed species (e.g., Bartram's bass and Cuatro Ciénegas bass). Many black bass populations have conservation issues related to genetic integrity and habitat degradation. Building on previous work, this symposium will highlight the conservation of native black basses in an AFS publication that contains accounts related to:

• Biology/ecology/life history requirements

• Habitat management and restoration

• Conservation genetics

• Fish populations, fisheries, and human dimensions

The symposium organizers will target scientists for invited submissions to the symposium, but contributed abstracts that fit the theme of the symposium are encouraged and will also be considered for the symposium and book. If you are conducting research on a black bass species or unique population that can contribute to the understanding or conservation of black basses, feel free to contact the steering committee at BlackBassSymposium@myFWC.com for possible inclusion in the symposium. Authors of papers who want to be included in the publication must have their manuscript submitted by the date of the meeting.

Abstracts (in plain text or MS-Word) are to be submitted to BlackBassSymposium@myFWC.com by 10/31/2012 and must include:

1. Type of presentation preferred (oral or poster) 2. To be considered for publication? (yes or no) 3. Presentation topic (select from below)

• Biology/ecology/life history requirements

• Habitat management and restoration

• Conservation genetics

• Fish populations, fisheries, and human dimensions

4. Title, in upper/lower case format

5. Author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s) as they should appear 6. Name of presenter, mailing address, phone, and email 7. Text of abstract in 300 words or less.

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