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On any given lake I can catch crappies in decent amounts but finally I was able to land one today at Springfield Lake. Surprisingly she was a good 14", released she back healthy. Also caught 4 dink bass in the "oz" range from 13"-16" lol. Really starting to think the fish in here have been stunted. The biggest bass I've caught here has been 22" and about 4.5lbs. But I've been told by people that they have caught 8-9lbers in there. Still questionable until I see one.

Have fun fishing.


Really starting to think the fish in here have been stunted.

Talk to your fisheries biologist, he or she can tell you. If they are you should keep as many of those 12" dinks as you are allowed. Good excuse to have a fish fry while helping the fishery. If they are stunted it should be full of BIG bluegill, which is a nice result of stunted bass!

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I was fishing where the warm water spills out. I thought it was another dink bass but it didnt fight and just skidded the surface towards me haha. Also dead shads everywhere. The dink basses I caught seem like they have been eating well, full stomachs.

But I asked about the fish being stunted because most my trips out there I usually catch bass in the 14"-17" range only and I see people catching the same sizes also. Sometimes a lucky fisherman will pull out a 3-4lb'r but it doesnt happen often. If you go during pre-spawn you can see the sizes of the bass swimming along the shoreline and they are not that big other than a very few ~4-5lb females in the mix. Just my observation on this lake since fishing here for 2-3 years.


What were you using to fish? I have caught a 17 inch crappie and 24 inch bass in july this last year the same day. i have not fished the warm water but once. any place there better then the other and what works there? i fish the main lake by the boat house normally in my boat.


I'm sorry to tell you the bad news, but the Bass are not stunted in Lake Springfield, you're just stuck on shore.



Early Spring (March) this year. I usually catch a good numbers of 4, 5, and even 6-pounders every year. I don't catch the "8-9 Pounders" and doubt others have recently. In the mid-late 90's there were a couple of really good year classes that were pretty big, but recently I think you should be happy with the 5-pounders these days.


i agree. i caught a couple 5 pounders this year, i have been fishing lake springfield for about a yr and a half. i am looking forward to trying my hand at catfishing and then fishing in my boat closer to the bluffs at the spill way. do jigs do any good this time of yr? what would you suggest for bass?


Jigs can be good - but I do better on suspending jerkbaits or suspending cranks (like the XRap Shad pictured).

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