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FYI for those interested, the annual LI one-fly is tomorrow. I am planning to go.

Saturday January 7th the Northeastern Oklahoma Fly Fishers (Tahlequah) are hosting their annual One Fly contest. Registration starts at 8:00 am in the parking lot below Ten Killer dam. Contest starts at 9:00 with prizes for first fish, biggest fish and most fish. Entry fee includes a GREAT chili lunch by the Native Women Fly Fishers. Additional flies may be purchased, but you only get ONE lunch. LOL! Visit OkieFlyFishers.org for more information.


FYI for those interested, the annual LI one-fly is tomorrow. I am planning to go.

Saturday January 7th the Northeastern Oklahoma Fly Fishers (Tahlequah) are hosting their annual One Fly contest. Registration starts at 8:00 am in the parking lot below Ten Killer dam. Contest starts at 9:00 with prizes for first fish, biggest fish and most fish. Entry fee includes a GREAT chili lunch by the Native Women Fly Fishers. Additional flies may be purchased, but you only get ONE lunch. LOL! Visit OkieFlyFishers.org for more information.

I think it will be crowded this weekend, I'm staying away. I know where you could catch the most but I'm not telling, someone will already be fishing there with registration starting at 8. Post an update and let us know how it went. What is your one fly or is it a secret? It would be hard for me to pick between two that are working good now.



THey supply the fly and I won't know what it is until I get there. Last year it was a CDC dry midge. I ended up cutting the CDC off and fished it under an indicator with a small split shot.


I know where you could catch the most but I'm not telling, someone will already be fishing there with registration starting at 8

Kiddie Hole? I get the feeling that is one of the more popular spots. I don't really fish it much though as there always seems to be major crowds up in that area.

I'm not real hung up on winning. The thing seemed to be a pretty low key affair last year and the chili lunch was good.


I've got a VolleyBall tournament to go to in OK City or I would be down there for this. Let us know how it went.


We all make decisions; but, in the end, our decisions make us.


Kiddie Hole? I get the feeling that is one of the more popular spots. I don't really fish it much though as there always seems to be major crowds up in that area.

I'm not real hung up on winning. The thing seemed to be a pretty low key affair last year and the chili lunch was good.

That spot does hold a lot of fish but thats not it. I didn't know they supplied the fly. I happened to be there last year when, I believe it was one fly, was going on. With low water that fly from last year would have been good. Good idea trimming the cdc. Was it an olive, gray or a brownish color? Sounds like fun but I hate crowds.



The fly ended up being an adams dry fly, probably a 16 or 14. Not a good choice for me. I ended up trying what I did last year and clipped off the hackle and fished it like a nymph. Didn't do real well. I only caught 7 fish on it.

There were a couple of guys that caught 20+ and I believe they were both stripping it in soft hackle/crackleback style. The guy that won it caught all his fish in the still pool right at the gravel parking lot. I never would have expected that.

I started out in a hole on the back side of the island where I had caught 30+ last weekend and I got NOTHING from it. The second place guy was fishing just upstream from me on the back side of the island. He had a really good pod of fish and was hammering them fishing the adams directly downstream and swinging it in front of the fishes face.

Ended up moving down to the pool just above the boulder weir and caught my 7 from there.

Chili lunch was great and hit the spot as it was a pretty cold windy morning.

Afternoon was much better fishing for me than the morning. Went down to Watts and ended up with doing really well on a bead head midge fished below a stimulator.


I kind of doubt there were many takes on the surface. Those guys were smart to fish it the way they did. I'm guessing the event was till lunch being you went to Watts? Depending on work I might see if I can get down during the week to fish. Thanks for the update.


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