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I made a quick run to powersite...

I was not disappointed!!!

Withing the first 10 minutes I had a 19in walleye...

then a couple of small trout and a big ol carp (about 15lbs)...

right before I headed out the finally 15 minutes....

caught 2 more walleyes one 23.. the other 24inches...caught them all on a 1/4oz silver cleo ...

I did see a couple other guys catching them too..

now time to make lunch!


I got down there last night about 8 or 8:30 and was at the tail end of it seemed. I seen 2 caught by a friend who was with me, but I had no bites. I seen a couple leave with fish on their stringers though. It might have been you Leonard.


Yes, it is beginning to look a lot like Springtime ....


Were you guys boating up or fishing from the bank? If you were bankfishing it, what side? Finally, what lures were you fishing?

"Thanks to Mother Mercy, Thanks to Brother Wine, Another night is over and we're walking down the line" - David Mallett


I wasn't there Jack, but minnows followed by Rogues, clown in particular, have always been at the top of the list.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


Not me, Friday would of been a brutal night to be out fishing, with the wind and the temp falling.


I was on the forsyth side .... throwing a silver cloe (slow rolling it).. I got close to the bottom cause I ended up lossing 3 of them

But all in all the dinner I had last night was well worth it...

Walleye poppers are SOOOO good!!!

made just like seahorses.. but substitute the shrimp for walleye

walleye cut into 3/4inch cubes

1lb honey maple bacon

1 jar sliced Jalap Peppers


take the bacon and peel 3 strips off (with out seperating them)

you should have about 4 stacks of bacon with 3 pieces in each stack

take a stack and on a flat surface rub it out till it is about a foot in lenght cut in thirds.. repeat with the rest...

now seperate the bacon in rows, take the walleye cubes and place a piece on the bacon, add a slice of pepper (or 2 ..1 one each side of the meat.. roll bacon over the fish and pepper. pierce with toothpick (or grilling skewer)


best thing to do is get a bottle of McCormicks Fish and seafood seasoning and just start making it to taste..add a little sprinkle of garlic salt or powder



Were you with a friend? I was fishing alone at dark and 2 guys came up behind me when I was crouched down tying my lure. Scared me for a second when all of a sudden they asked if I caught anything.

Vonreed, the weather was definitely brutal cold. Imagine the water flowing over the dam creating that mist with slight wind and freezing temps. Still managed 3 fish. All skinny 18-19" males, and all released. Had to call it quits when my hand were struggling to tie a knot. My hand were so cold, I had trouble turning the key to my truck haha. Gonna need better gloves.

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