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Lot of rising most of the day. Midging mainly but there was for awhile, where I fished, mayflies. I don't know what type of mayfly and am guessing march brown, so if anyone knows do tell. Caught trout on several different color midges, but a couple of those being better than others. Also used some pheasant tail nymphs with success. I wish I had a better camera to carry while fishing because I picked out of the water a half emerged mayfly. I set it on a rock and he wiggled out of his old skin and sat there, very cool to see up close. Also picked a few discarded mayfly shucks out of the water and examined them. Not counting the tail they were around 3/4" long. I'm thinking size 10,12,14. would work. I believe i was using a size 12 or 14, not sure without looking at it again. My daughter went with me again for her 3rd time and caught 15 today, she was happy to get that many. I probably lost that many but brought to hand 21, so it was a good day today.


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