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With higher flows and the need to get deeper, I wonder how some of you rig your weights. I've struggled with these conditions relying mostly on the weight I can tie into the fly.

I wish I had more time more than I wish I had more money.


Aside from using weighted flies, I normally use bb size shot 15-18 inches up from the fly. Start with one bb and add another if you are still not getting down deep enough to get strikes. The rule of thumb is if you are not catching the bottom every now and then, you are not deep enough.





I tie 6-8 inches of tippet on and put weight above the knot to keep it from sliding. Brian is right if you aren't losing flies you aren't deep enough. Sometimes 2 AAA's aren't enough.

"The problem with a politician’s quote on Facebook is you don’t know whether or not they really said it." –Abraham Lincoln

Tales of an Ozark Campground Proprietor

Dead Drift Fly Shop


Much obliged. I'll give it a try. Above the knot makes sense.

I wish I had more time more than I wish I had more money.


I and the guys I fish with most usually use a two nymph rig. The two guys I think are the best anglers I know often put the weight on the line between the two nymphs, but I don't. I tie on about 20-24 inches of tippet first of all. Then I tie my "top" nymph, the bigger of the two nymphs and usually a bead head, about 8 inches down from the knot with a palomar knot, leaving the rest of the length of line as the tag end. To the end of that tag end I tie my other nymph, which will be smaller and usually not a bead head. I finish up by putting the weight in BB size split shot just above the knot as Justin does, for the same reason, to keep it from slipping down to the fly. In any kind of strong current, I'll be using two and even three pieces of shot, because I want it ticking the bottom regularly. The flies, and especially the lower non-bead head fly, will be drifting a little off the bottom, below the ticking weight.


I am a big advocate of the 2 fly rig as well if you feel comfortable trowing it. His method will work great or you can just tie about 18 inches of tippet to the bend of the hook of your 1st fly with a clinch knot and then just tie your next fly on the the tippet. If I want to dredge the bottom I may tie the bigger, heavier fly to the bottom and other times I put the lighter fly as the dropper to flutter just off the bottom as Al described. Just depends on the fish's mood.





I use 6 to 8 oz bank sinkers on the terminal end and lead with a 8/0 or 10/0 treble all on a 50lb leader to a swivel and 65 lb power braid main line. Add a 12 foot ugly stick and a 950ss penn reel, them spoonies dont have much of a chance

Fly fishin though, I just follow ducky's lead.

I shop at the outdoor grocery store


LOL! Brother, how does your boat float with those rigs on board?

I wish I had more time more than I wish I had more money.


I am a big advocate of the 2 fly rig as well if you feel comfortable trowing it. His method will work great or you can just tie about 18 inches of tippet to the bend of the hook of your 1st fly with a clinch knot and then just tie your next fly on the the tippet. If I want to dredge the bottom I may tie the bigger, heavier fly to the bottom and other times I put the lighter fly as the dropper to flutter just off the bottom as Al described. Just depends on the fish's mood.

I used to tie on the extra piece of tippet to the bend of the hook like you described, but mainly stopped doing it because the way I do it there's one less knot to tie and I'm lazy. I've had people say the main fly drifts in a better, more natural position when the tippet is tied to the bend of the hook rather than coming off the eye of the hook, and that kinda makes sense...but I catch just as many fish as the guys who do it that way.


Having fished both ways and guided guys that have their own preferences, hook bend and your way, and there doesn't seem to be a nickels worth of difference as far as the trout seem to be concerned. I have seen the catch rate too many times be near identical with two rigs using both methods.




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