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Good evening,

It's been almost a year since I fished Bull Shoals and I pray this year is way better than last year. I fished almost two full days last year towards the first of May and went home skunked (water was high but weather was perfect). I think we caught maybe five or six fish total between the seven of us there for the weekend. Several of us are going back this year the first weekend of May so I'm hoping for some help. We're staying at Howard's Creek and renting a couple of boats. Where would yall recommend fishing for bass on this part of the lake or do we desparately need to make a run to another part of the lake? What type of baits would work well? I fish several times a week in a nearby pond with my two very young boys for bluegill (they have a blast - all that matters) and I usually only get to get out on a lake once or twice a year. I'm definitely a bass fishing amateur so the more detail the better please. We're also hoping to do some catfishing at night. Any recommended areas nearby? I'm not too comfortable going very far at night on unfamiliar waters.


I am more of a mid-lake fisherman, but my best experiences on that part of the lake have been in Jimmy's Creek and Sister's Creek.

By the start of May there will likely be a topwater bite on the bluff ends on the main lake and in those creeks. Redfin is pretty hard to beat that time of year on those bluff-end fish, just hit one and if they aren't there move to the next. Also like to hit the pea gravel banks with a shakey head and carolina rigs that time of year ecspecially when the water is down. If the water is still in the bushes then spinnerbaits/topwaters and flipping in those bushes may be the ticket.

I am clueless on the cats, but good luck. Hope you catch them.


Points are typically good that time of year. Secondary points back in the coves usually catch the fish as they are moving back out from the spawn. My best luck this time of year is around pea gravel banks. Points are great, but sometimes just fishing down a pea gravel banks is the ticket. We have no grass and the fish normally haven't pulled out on the deep structure/trees by May. Fish have started recoperating from the spawn and are just hanging out from the bank to 20 foot of water eating when the opportunity presents itself. It will feel a lot like fishing a nothing bank if you aren't used to it, but our fish relate to it a lot of times.

If the water is still in the bushes, you will want to at least give them a shot. Flipping some type of plastic up in them and hold on.

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