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Oddly enough, i gotta agree with both sides on this one. It is true that the crappie can be hard to find right now, in which case you may only pick up a few in a whole day. But if you do find them, like several have been lately, you can catch a lot and fast.

I fished in the CC area Tuesday night for about 3 hours. It took two of us about 2 hours to find them, but that last hour we probably caught 20 or so.

Just gotta find them, and they WILL bite.

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Catching is the easy part - locating them can be the hard part. Putting a pattern together can take a large portion of the day, figure it out and then load the boat in a short time. Yes there are several fish just under the length limit however I've never seen the consistent quality of bigger fish than the last 6-7 weeks. The crappie fishing has been some of the best I've ever seen.


Have your visited Limitville lately?


I totally agrre With Stockton lake guide service, Shockley and Zarraspooks, The crappie are there you just have to be in the right place at the right time and know a few different patterns that they like. THere are alot of shorts being caught now but there are still alot of keepers being caught as well. Have fun out there and stay safe.



Somebody on this site likes to stir the pot. That's it!

Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.-- Mark Twain

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I was crappie fishing on the 10th and found the fish to be scattered and the bites very light. With the wind making it difficult to detect the bites. A few people appeared to be doing very well but you needed to find the right spot and time to catch a limit. The size was good with half the fish I caught running 10-12 inches. The fish are prespawn and this is spring weather, unless you are there every day and learn the patterns the fishing will be tough with some people hitting the jackpot at the right the time and location.



A guy showed up to cedar ridge sat night and started slayin em. We took seven home after 2 hours none under 11 inches. It's always a good time to hit the lake



...I have fished Stockton about 5 times the past 2 weeks...catch rates have been low on Crappie, but size has been good...I'd guess 80% are keeper size...but catch rate about 2 per hour and VERY scattered...One day I caught about 10 in less than an hour and BOOM they shut off...so, I guess, keep moving, they are there. As far as the spawn, I am no biologist, but I would guess some have spawned, some haven't, and some are very confused and probably won't. Will be interesting in a few years to see how this works out...keep fishing, you'll catch fish...

A strike indicator is just a bobber...


crappie queen,

I really don't get on this site with the attempt to "sell" a guide trip. I've been laid up for the past 2 weeks and fishing has been a bonus instead of a job. That picture is of two guys from springfield mo. Both good fisherman and they caught some really good fish. I took them out for a 4 hour trip. They went right back the next day and said they only had one keeper (I think that is what they told me) I went back out there with my cousin that evening and fished till dark. We had some good fish, but the bite had slowed down some.

If you are wanting to catch some good fish, try trolling a 200 series bandit crankbait in 15 foot of water around secondary points and in the same depth through the coves,. It will help you locate some fish also, but will also catch you some really good size crappie. i used a "mad cow" color the other day and it worked better than anything else, but not sure if it really matters much.

Good luck and hope things get going better for you. If you keep hitting the lake 3 times per week, you will find some good fish on this lake!!

Bob Bennett
Stockton Lake Guide Service

"Our Service is Crappie"
”And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms….The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants”
~Thomas Jefferson


I've been checking your report for a long time now. every time I hit Stockton. It definitely has helped me know how I'm gonna attack the lake, thanks.


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