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Twelve guys ventured forth to Lilleys Landing for the 22nd straight year of the Parsons Nazarene Church's annual Men's Ministries trout trip. We arrived at noon on Thursday and fished until noon on Sunday. ( It only falls on Mothers day weekend every few years)

Anyway, aside from enjoying the usual great time at Phil's place we caught a ton of trout. All in all we caught more than 1200 trout with an even 30 of them being Browns (19 inches was the largest-Brown and Rainbow)

Just about any jig we threw caught trout with the best numbers hitting a 1/16 oz black and white, with sculpin and white coming in second and third. The water was on at about one full unit the whole time.

We fished from Short Creek to the last dock below the public ramp at Cooper Creek and found the biggest trout in the deeper water right on the bottom. The South bank below Short Creek provided the fastest action with three trout on at the same time practically the norm. Watching white jigs disappear in the clear water ('cause a fish bit it) and setting the hook was a fair amount of amusement also.

We had guys that had never fished a jig for trout before completely swear off their Power Eggs and dragging the bottom because they found it so easy and fun once they tried it, plus they liked being able to release the trout and keep their hook.

Not knocking Power Bait here folks, I have a whole bag full of the stuff but if you have never tried jig fishing for trout just throw one in the deep water and wait 20 seconds then reel two cranks and stop. If you get any sort of reaction set the hook. It's that easy

Night fishing was also fun off the upper end of Lilleys dock. We used the dark water dark jig rule moving them SLOWLY downstream and found the trout plenty hungry.

Big shout out to Lilleys Landing and the crew there for making the weekend seamless and relaxing. And above all thanks to God for allowiing us to enjoy what he has created one more time.

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