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Woke up late and didnt get to my boat till about 4:30am.Got everything loaded up and got out on the water.Lightning and thunder came in quicker than i thought(thought it wasnt gonna be here till about 10).Ended up with 2 channel and 1 blue.Felt like it took more time to load and unload the boat and clean the fish than it did to actually catch the fish.Was back at my slip around 7am.Bait shrimp has been working pretty good.If i dont work tomorrow i might go out early and try some cut shad.





thats a nice catch. Maybe one one these days u can show/teach me how to catch cats that big, if so just pm me with a way to get ahold of u.


Thats nice Blue. Rod and reel or jug/trot lines?


I think i threw out about15 powerade bottles.Wish i woulda got out earlier.

  • Members

Nice catch! Can you give a few tips on water depth, shore type, etc?

Life's way too short not to fish!

15-25ft deep.rocky banks with mud bottoms.

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