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Below is correspondence from Jim Burroughs of the ODWC:

Looks like contacting Jim Inhofe is the best way to get spurt from the state for a constant source of water flow to the LIR...

See below.

No new developments for a permanent water source. We have made some

progress in managing what temporary water rights we have however. SWPA has

agreed to fund a bypass piping system from the surge tank located behind the

powerhouse running to the tailwater area. This will be a somewhat automated

system that will come on when there is no generation and go off when there

is generation. It will only provide about 55 cfs which will be a little more

than we have to have in the winter and less than we need in the summer but

will help us to better meter our water. SWPA has also agreed to pay for the

equipment and install of an oxygen super-saturation system that will be

deployed by ODWC in the sluice pool area on a as needed basis. This will

only be to improve the oxygen in the sluice pool area and not downstream

oxygen levels. These two things are positive and are a step in the right

direction but the only long term permanent solution is the permanent

allocation of water to ODWC for management of the stream. The water rights

we have are borrowed and could be gone any day. Without this borrowed water

we would be totally reliant on SWPA's generation. Management of the stream,

based on historical generation schedules, would be mostly impossible with

only this source of water.  Senator Inhofe seems to be the one we need to

work through for a reallocation of water. There needs to be a reallocation

of water and water given to the state at no cost to maintain the trout

fishery. That's the only permanent solution I can see. I appreciate you

interest and support.

-----Original Message-----


I got your contact email from a fishing friend and wanted to inquire about

the status of the Lower Illinois River in regards to finding a constant

water flow. I have not been down since June but do enjoy it every chance I


Last week I mentioned the LIR to Lt Gov Todd Lamb and he had no new insight

then what he told me in April when he said he visited Gore...

If you have any contact information on who to contact to promote supporting

the LIR I will pass it on as well as let them know I appreciate the river

and their support of it.



Sounds like we need to start a letter/email campaign to Senator Inhofe.


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205 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510 -3603

Main: (202) 224-4721

Fax: (202) 228-0380

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1924 S. Utica Avenue

Suite 530

Tulsa, OK 74104 -6511

Main: (918) 748-5111

Fax: (918) 748-5119

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Oklahoma City, OK 73118

Main: (405) 608-4381

Fax: (405) 608-4120

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Suite 106

McAlester, OK 74501

Main: (918) 426-0933

Fax: (918) 426-0935

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302 N Independence

Suite 104

Enid, OK 73701

Main: (580) 234-5105

Fax: (580) 234-5094

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