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Mo. conservation agents say mystery animal could be large coyote, wolf or hybrid of both

By Associated Press

3:13 p.m. CDT, November 3, 2012

COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) — It could take up to six months before conservation agents figure out what a Missouri hunter shot when the thought he was bagging an unusually large coyote.

The man — who asked officials not to disclose his identity — was hunting for deer Tuesday at Franklin Island Conservation Area when the animal came into range.817-grey.gif

The Columbia Daily Tribune reports coyotes are in season and the man had a permit, so he shot what he thought was a state-record coyote.

But when it weighed 81 pounds — seven pounds more than the national record — a Cooper County conservation agent ordered it taken to a regional office for testing.

Experts say the animal could be a wolf, a large coyote or a hybridicon1.png animal with characteristics of both

Here is a link to the story.





Thought it to be a great read even the comment section was interesting. I did have to search for coyote to find the story.

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