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Hi my name is Greg Mitchell from Springfield MO.

Just a little about me: My family is number one with me. I am married to a wonderful woman that I met when we were both 18. We have been married for 23 years. We have 2 boys Matt and Ryker who are 17 and 11. We also have 2 dogs Ringo and Corky (both welsh corgis).

By profession I am a registered nurse. I manage a small nursing dept in one of the 2 main hospitals in Springfield.

I started fly fishing at about 15 years of age and continued off and on through my 20's. Then I stopped for roughly 10 years before taking it back up again 3 years ago. It is now my passion and main hobby. I mainly fish for trout. I consider my home waters to be Taneycomo. We live on the south edge of Springfield which is only about 45 miles from Taney. I also enjoy Bennett Springs, Montauk, Roaring River, and the upper Current. My wife and 11 year old fly fish with me at times.

I really like this forum and am appreciative of the time and effort that goes into maintaining it. I think over the last few years I have learned more about fly fishing than the previous 30. And that is in large part due to forums such as this. The first one I joined/particpated in was Matt Tucker's Ozark Chronicles and it is still a great site. This forum is a welcome addition.

"My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt

Greg Mitchell


Howdy Greg -

Just wanted to say what a nice compliment you made about the board.

We will all try to get this ball rolling quickly!

tight lines - Brian

Just once I wish a trout would wink at me!


I'm the guy wearing the same Simms longbilled hat for 10 years now.


Hey Greg!

Glad to read your intro and welcome. I'm pretty new to this board, just found out about it and I like it already. I've spent some time on the Chronicles too and have had the privelege to fish with several of the guys who post there. Looking forward to the same thing here!


I'd rather live my entire life, living as if there is a God and Jesus and to find out at the end that there isn't, than to live my entire life as if there is no God and Jesus and to find out at the end that there is.


Vic - I had the pleasure of meeting Matt Tucker a couple of months ago as well. Great guy and so is Brian the fly fishing guide from the north fork of the white.


"My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt

Greg Mitchell

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