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My dad had one day left so we decided to fish Taneycomo. I guess this was our last stop of making our rounds. We decided to go wadding and really spend time fishing for big browns in the rebar hole. My dad started the day fishing scuds at the rebar hole and I wanted to fish wooly buggers on a full sinking line. I saw a man do this about a week ago and he caught two browns that weighed around five pounds stripping size ten bead head wooly buggers. He caught one on olive and the other on a black. So that had my attention and I really wanted to try that as well. I’d say about the second cast I had a hit on an olive color with a gold bead. It was a brown that weighed about three pounds. The next thing I started to do is dead swinging in the current. I got a few hits, but nothing of any size. The good thing about it was they were all browns and that’s always a plus. I brought a floating line also so I switched over to that and started fishing different types of scuds. I know lately all the big fish I’m hearing that are being caught down by the rebar section are scuds tied with the awesome possum. And the color of choice seems to be the gray color. I did catch some fish on this, but could not get the big ones to take it this day. My dad was down about hundred yards and sometimes I would look up and see him with a fish on. I knew he was fishing with a indicator so that led me to believe he was fishing some sort of scud pattern as well. I would look up every once in awhile and see his rod bent so I knew he was fishing some sort of scud pattern. I went back to doing my thing fishing all kinds of scud patterns. I must have re-tied and switched back from a sinking line to a floating line ten times. I could see me dad getting tired of walking so we called it a day. I did ask my dad what he caught his fish on and he said mostly on a dead scud pattern tied with a swiss straw back ribbed with thread to match the body. This is a pattern that was invented for White River and it works well on Taneycomo as well.




Accept the drift.....<>>><


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