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The catfish bite at Aldrich was good this weekend. Only one flathead 8 lbs and 6 good channels. Plenty of drum and turtles though. I caught the big channel and the flat on live bait and the rest on minnows and crawlers. I had several twist off before I could get back to run my lines in the A.M.. This is my first time running lines in Stockton but the Available locations and quality of fish impressed me.post-15350-0-63211200-1369673792.jpg

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I need some of that! Fished the same spots, with the same bait, with pole and line and didn't catch a durn thing! Gonna try again next weekend and hope I can find some! Good catch! I'd like to have a stringer of Channel Cat myself!


the blues and channels should be almost to pre spawn right now especially the blues. I was up the 21st thru the 24th at ruark and we came home with 3 blues and 2 channels two 10lb blues and a 8lb blue and one of the blues had eggs. when fishing for cats I usually go to the twin bridges and fish on the rocks at the H highway bride on the beach side by that tree at the end with shrimp under a cork. we are going in the morning...I will post how we do

good luck and good fishin!!

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Yes the cats have eggs on my end . The sacks were pretty full of firm eggs bright yellow. I saw one caught under the 123 bridge in the middle of the day under a cork. I'd say anywhere around that rip rap in the next week or so ought to be producing. Good luck to all. I think I'll target flats only this weekend. Any advice on where to find them in the Aldrich area. I know those flats a and structure ought to hold quite a few.


i havent done much fishing for flats jr but i would say your right...tight to the structure should be good...the majority of them should be post spawn or close so they should be feeding. i've always heard aside from perch, big 5 in gold fish work well for them on jug and trot lines...only problem is there expensive!!

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Some more Aldrich cats. My limb lines got away from me after the big rise but after scraping the bottom for a few hours last night I managed to retrieve them and a few bonus channels.


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