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We received about 3 3/4" of rain wed. evening. This brought the river up about 2 feet. The water has remained clear and the flow is great. The conservation dept. has both falls open right now, it was last spring that this happened last. I fished for a bit this morning, didn't take long to catch 5 or 6 trout. It was one of those real nice cold mornings, no wind and only me and 3 other people in the park. The park should fish great this weekend with the added flow. Come over and fish if the generation is to much for you at taney. At least R.R. will be fishable. See ya on the river.

The road into the park, the north hill was completly clear this afternoon, but be carful if comming in, in the morning, it can get that nasty sheet ice early in the morning, but the D.O.T. clears it fast.

Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop



We fished Roaring River Friday afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday this weekend, it was cold and slick, but the fishing was great. Tim's right on the water looking good. The color is perfect and the flow is up. I hope it continues. We had some action on a golden badger and grizzly cracklebacks, but you really had to work the water. When we found fish that were looking up, the action was fast. If not, it was best just to move to the next hole. That’s not such a bad approach, but as cold as it was, we tried to stay close to the truck as we could. I was fishing the seams with a gray G Bug and cheese colored mini egg combo in size 22 with a pink spot and an indicator float. I was using no weight at all about 18 inches of tippet under the float and I let the egg float about 8 inches or so under the film. I did try a small spit shot for a while, but they didn’t want it weighted. If the trout smacked the indicator [some would grab on and not let go!], my buddy would come back with cracklebacks. It was a sure bet they would go for a dry if they attacked the float. I got to meet Don from Clever MO yesterday afternoon. Don got to talking about his smoked sausage recipe, and I had to smoke some last night. That’s good stuff. Look in the recipte forum if you;d like to try it. Don; did you do any good on the min-eggs? All in all a great weekend to fish for as nasty as it was.


AKA Flysmith - Cassville MO



Was good to meet you. I sure appreciate the flies. I caught about 20 fish or so that afternoon. I had alot of success with a size 20 gray ostrich scud. The only mini egg that worked for me was light rue color? I hooked an 8-10 pounder sight fishing and fought her to the bank. I tried to net her with my little tiny girlie man net and I picked her up out of the water as she lay across the top of my net. When I almost had my hand on her, she slid off the net into the water. By then my friend arrived with his camera ready. The fish was still on my line and I lost her after about 5 more minutes of fighting. Within 10 minutes later, I drifted the same egg over a set of falls and hooked about a 20 incher that broke me off after about a 15 foot run. Another great day at RR with the snow on the ground.


Don May

I caught you a delicious bass.


Glad you had a good time, fishing was really good at the park yesterday, I caugth a lot of nice fish on dry flies, and didn't really fish the eggs to hard.But those eggs do catch a lot of lunkers at the park, and at taney to.It was nice to meet you, hope you come over again sometime.

Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop



Thank you Tim,

It was good to see you again. As soon as I learn to dispense that small amount of yarn to the hook, I'll try to tie up a few eggs. I left all but one in the trees at RR. I get too excited about catching fish that I forget to look behind me at times. The big fish really like them. It was good to see some flow to the river again.


Don May

I caught you a delicious bass.


Don; how do you ties that gray scud? Palmer the ostrich herl forward and put a back on? Any ribbing?


AKA Flysmith - Cassville MO


Roaring fishing was great this weekend, along with great weather and just a few fishers. Flow is still good from the rains and snow two weeks ago along with water color. Bright colored egg patterns size 22 to 14, burlap scuds, and green woolies did well. Elk Hair Caddis did well on top for dry fly fishermen. Saturday afternoon brought one of the biggest hatches I have ever seen in Roaring River. I am going to try and post a picture of Bob Garrison, Cassville, who caught this 7 ½ pound rainbow on a olive wooly with white hackle.



AKA Flysmith - Cassville MO

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