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I have fished Montauk and the upper Current last Friday, Saturday, Monday. Avery day started in the low teens and did not get above the mid 20's. Even with the loons ice off there was still ice. But the fishing was good. I used the Magnum worm, #14 Wilcox Midge (Winter Midge,) #22 Zebra Midge Black/Silver, Cone head woolly Olive/Black. yesterday I only saw one other angler, Saturday I saw seven anglers and all but 2 were using spin cast rigs and catching fish. Four were fishing above the dam where the MDC has started removing gravel last week. I have posted that information and photos about the gravel removal on the FB Page Current River Trout Fishing. Go like me for all the information on the Blue Ribbon area and inside the park.

Fishing above the dam is a bit slow because of the dredging being done & all the very deep extremely clear water. Monday I walked up the in river road to make a movie and was able to catch three fish on a Y2K Deep about 8' deep and I was able to see the fish pick it off the bottom. Some of the other areas have been deepened also. the best fishing is along the shallow stretch below the Campground Bridge to the handicapped area in Loop #3.

There are several big (3#+) fish in this part of the river. That includes four nice brown trout. These trout are very spooked by anything and rather long drifts help in hooking them, or short drifts in the shallow riffles at the head of holes. The Zebra Midge and March Brown fished as droppers also worked good.

The area below Tan-Vat had huge hatches anytime the sun came out, but there were so many that the 24 BWO flies were over looked for the real thing. I went to a 24 Wilcox Midge (Winter Midge) and caught several small Rainbow's and three small Brown's. The pressure has been lite due to the cold and snow.

That's about it for this week. But I daily report updates on FB if you fish The upper Current River your welcome to stop by.

Take a Child Fishing they are the future of the sport.

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