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We made it down to our place on the 17th after going by Welch spring ,Akers ferry, and Devils well.

Did some bank fishing during the week on the jacks and caught a 17-3/4" smallie along with some little guys and goggle eyes. Its is my personal best so far on the Jacks.

We floated from Buck to Rymers on the 21st and the water was low. A fair amount of dragging and helping my daughter learn to kayak kept the fishing limited. We only crashed our canoe once. The big boulder blocking the riffle just above Blue spring was the troublemaker.

We had to hustle to make our check out spot but got to see our local stretch of water for the 1st time up close. We really enjoyed the Jam Up cave.

We learned a few things. There are very few signs to mark where you are on the the river. Kinda know my way now but wasn't sure if we had passed Rymers or not.

There is a lot of shallow water up there. But the deep pools with a good mix of boulders and wood are full of fish. Saw just about everything, gars, suckers, drum, pumpkinseeds, bluegill, goggle eye, smallmouths but very few largemouths. Must have seen a hundred turtles. Didn't see any bedding bass but they may spawn deeper with that clear water.

We did Greer spring, big spring,Johnson shutins, and Elephant rock on the way home.

That area, the upper Jacks and Mountain View area is great. Waking up at our small cabin to whippoorwills and all the sounds of nature.


Cool. Thanks for sharing with us Red. I get to float her for the first time on 6-19, but starting lower than you did.

Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.-- Mark Twain


You should have a blast Smallywally. I would stick to topwaters and flipping plastics around the heavy wood.

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