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I fished mostly in the GreatLakesRegion of SouthEasternMichigan and SouthWesternOntario...

I also fished in Manitoba North of Winnipeg and in other parts of Ontario...

I usually used an open-spin-cast-reel and I grew-up using a bamboo-pole or a enclosed-spinning-reel...

For bait I usually used worms...

I mostly caught bass and perch...

I mostly fished from shore or from a boat-dock...



Emperor Jedi Sir Christopher Alan Green Esquire/CoCo Chanel (Empress),

Intergalactic Vampire Master Accountant/Hawthorne Boarding School Coptic Nurse.




Welcome to the board SirChristopherAlanGreenEsquire, man that's a mouthful. :lol::lol:

You might want to get use to SCAGE, cause that's probably what you will see most of the time.

There's a lot of great stuff here. Any kind of fishing you want, just about any information you need. I somewhere does not have, they can find it.

Sit back and enjoy. Don't be shy.



Yes, I'm That Guy


Love the Winnipeg River in Manitoba... I go every year and fish for 4 days at Eagle's Nest Lodge just north and east of Winnipeg. It offers some excellent fishing for SM in early June. Lets not forget about the walleye too.

Have fun and welcome!


Welcome to the board SCAGE!

Respect your Environment and others right to use it!


No one can complain that there isn't enough diversity on this forum.

The nice thing about a forum is it's like a cafeteria. You go down the line and only pick out what you enjoy. You don't need to trash all of the other things that are on the food line to have a good experience.

Thom Harvengt

And Im the hillbilly?

No.... I'M the hillbilly... :lol:

Welcome SGCQPGHTRJKEHD.... uh... Sir...



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


If you will notice it says hes a intergallactic vampire master accountant. Bet you dont see many of those on taney como. Maybe the night shift?

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