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I have been very slack on reports this season on the Blue Ribbon section of the Current River. Because I just have not spent time on it this season. The water level is extremely low and clear plus the fishing pressure has been heavy. But I found time Friday to spend about 3 hours fishing from Tan Vat both in the first hole above and two sections below.

I came up with only two bows in the upper hole, they came on a cassis emerger olive bead head size 18. Fished under an indicator at about 24" deep. I walked down to the first riffles below the swimming hole and noticed a mixed hatch of Trico and BWO that the fish were taking off the surface. I tried the Caddis emerger with no luck, then tied on a #20 winter midge (Wilcox Midge) in a dun color. First cast had a 13" bow in less than a foot of water. About a dozen drifts later hooked into about a 16" bow which took the fly with her. I retied a pair of the Midge on separating them about 12" on 8X tippet. I was able to catch 4 smaller bows on that hole.

I moved on down to the next riffle and was able to catch two small browns on the same set up. I moved down to the deeper water and noticed fish feeding below the surface. I tied on a #18 harvester with#16 Cadis emerger as weight fly, under an indicator. The fish were very spooked and moved down out of the deeper water. I was able to catch one bow about 17”. I started back up river and made about 6 or seven drifts in the narrow swift head riffle which has a laydown of brush in it. I was glad I did because I came up with the best brown of the year. The Caddis brought to hand a very nice 20 inch brown. Only the luck of the draw was I able to get him landed on the 8X tippet, It helped that his first run was up stream rather than turning and going into the brush and I was able to get behind him and keep him from turning down stream.

I saw 8 other anglers on the section as I fished, that is some pretty heavy pressure for that section of about 1/4ml of stream. One other angler from Jefferson City was taking bows off the first riffle using size 20 tricos as I came back up stream. I am looking forward to next Friday and the start of Catch & Release season at Montauk. The weather man is saying the high temps in the low 30’s with north winds, now that’s my favorite time of the year. Only thing that is kind of bad is the lack of water this year.

Photo is of #20 Winter Midge



Take a Child Fishing they are the future of the sport.

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My son and I were two of the 8 anglers you saw at Tan Vat.

We waded up and down from the access for a good ways but the fishing for us was slow. I think we were using flies that are too large for that river.

It was our first trip to the Current and we were using stuff in the 8 to 12 range.

We're streamer fishermen and have had good success with those on the Eleven Point and Caney Fork in TN.

We caught some fish but it was very frustrating. As I said, I think the flies we were using were just too large.

But - we did see a lot of deer, one mink and I got checked by two Conservation Police Officers at Parker's!! LOL!

Nice guys and all was good.

If I'd known I was gonna live this long, I would have taken better care of myself...

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I got checked by two Conservation Police Officers at Parker's!! LOL!

I would love to see a Conservation Agent on the Current. Haven't seen one since 2007 and I fish the river a lot between TV and Parker. I'm usually fishing on weekdays so therein may lie the answer.

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I would love to see a Conservation Agent on the Current. Haven't seen one since 2007 and I fish the river a lot between TV and Parker. I'm usually fishing on weekdays so therein may lie the answer.

Yeah - unlike a lot of folks, I like seeing them as well. Keeping an eye on things - sad, but needed.

I've never had anything but a good experience from any state or federal officer. But... I've always got the right paperwork so the encounter is much more enjoyable!!!!

If I'd known I was gonna live this long, I would have taken better care of myself...


My son and I were two of the 8 anglers you saw at Tan Vat.

We waded up and down from the access for a good ways but the fishing for us was slow. I think we were using flies that are too large for that river.

It was our first trip to the Current and we were using stuff in the 8 to 12 range.

We're streamer fishermen and have had good success with those on the Eleven Point and Caney Fork in TN.

We caught some fish but it was very frustrating. As I said, I think the flies we were using were just too large.

But - we did see a lot of deer, one mink and I got checked by two Conservation Police Officers at Parker's!! LOL!

Nice guys and all was good.

Was that you in the float tubes I saw just above Tan Vat taking out. I gave two others a ride to their truck up near the park.

Glad to hear about the agents being on the river!!!

Take a Child Fishing they are the future of the sport.

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Was that you in the float tubes I saw just above Tan Vat taking out. I gave two others a ride to their truck up near the park.

Glad to hear about the agents being on the river!!!

No float tubes. We use Creek Company pontoons - both boats are green and identical to my avatar.

We parked at the access the Friday we fished Van Tat. (11-7-14)

Floated the river on Wednesday, 11-5-14, but If you saw two really ugly guys - it was probably us!!

If I'd known I was gonna live this long, I would have taken better care of myself...


Sorry I call anything with air in it a tube LOL But it was you guys I saw. We was having a fly trade just down river from you. Should have came on down.

Take a Child Fishing they are the future of the sport.

  • Members

Was that you in the float tubes I saw just above Tan Vat taking out. I gave two others a ride to their truck up near the park.

Glad to hear about the agents being on the river!!!

That was me and my friend Andy that you gave the ride to. Much appreciated! We really enjoyed dirt road surfing back up to the wire on the back of your Blazer!!!

  • Members

Sorry I call anything with air in it a tube LOL But it was you guys I saw. We was having a fly trade just down river from you. Should have came on down.

Not a problem - I had my doubts about "inflatable" boats, but they have proven to be a lot tougher than I gave any credit for!!

Wish I'd known you guys were trading flies. I'd have given you some that didn't work for some that did!! LOL!!

If I'd known I was gonna live this long, I would have taken better care of myself...

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