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Just saying Hi. I found this board few weeks ago and it is sure close to were my family is from. They are all from the Walnut Ridge area. I have lived out of state for many many years and am looking forward to retiring back in Arkansas. I am just waiting for the wife in 6 years. I am tired of the cold winters and will be gald to be able to fish for something besides trout. Not that they are bad as I was a guide for trout fishing for almost 38 years. LOL I just would like to catch something different like Croppie and Catfish. I love to eat them and have not had any in years.

My Mom taught me to fish when I was just a squirt. She would take me catfishing. Boy could she cook them cats. Still makes my mouth water.

Anyway just saying Hi and I know I will enjoy reading this board and talking to you folks. Ron


Hi MTM. I take it you are from Arkansas but where are you living now? I do appreciate the diversity of fish in the Ozarks. Keeps things interesting. Like you I surly like Crappie and Catfish. My ol' Ma could really cook em'too. :)

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Hi MTM. I take it you are from Arkansas but where are you living now? I do appreciate the diversity of fish in the Ozarks. Keeps things interesting. Like you I surly like Crappie and Catfish. My ol' Ma could really cook em'too. :)

Yes we are all from Arkansas I am in Montana thus the MTM. "MT" is the abbreviation for Montana and the "M" is for Mountains. All I could think of LOL My wifes is a nurse and I am disabled now. But can still get around and fish some. I sure wish I had a few of them Cats and Crappie to eat. I would even enjoy your Mom's cooking them to ;) I bet she does a bang up job to. I have always found that southern woman can cook better than most northern ones can. I hope I don't get into to much trouble saying that ;) Ron


Heh heh Ron. Everyone knows Southern Women are the best cooks. :)

I figured you were from Montana but thought it best to ask before making assumptions.

Like you I am disabled. I have RA. I still get out and fish all that I can. I love fishing too much to give it up.

I have heard the trout fishing in Mt is great and the hunting even better. Any truth to the rumors?

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Heh heh Ron. Everyone knows Southern Women are the best cooks. :)

I figured you were from Montana but thought it best to ask before making assumptions.

Like you I am disabled. I have RA. I still get out and fish all that I can. I love fishing too much to give it up.

I have heard the trout fishing in Mt is great and the hunting even better. Any truth to the rumors?

The hunting here is OK. It use to be a lot better but like there this state is filling up fast. Can't believe how many people have built here in the last several years.

My son did well this season He got a nice Bull with his bow 6x6 and anice 4x4 with his rifle. He went over east for the mule deer. Shot the Bull about 12 miles from the house. But he knows the area like the back of his hand to. LOL.

I am just looking to have a nice garden and be able to fish for other types of fish. I still like trout fishing and I tie flies for a living. Have for more than 40 years. But it would be nice to have some warm wether and fish for other fish now and then. You can't grow much up here. I have not had a good tomato in years. LOL They are all hot house grown up here or brought in green. I just remember my grandma's garden there and all the corn and tomato's and water melon. Now I am getting hungry ;) Ron


Can I send you some tomato's fresh from the garden ? :P

In exchange for some tips or tricks from a man with 40 years of fly tying ?

wow :o

Ron - You've seen a lot change in the last 20 years of fly tying. If you could decide on one thing - what has impacted fly tying the most ? Or the 2nd most.. or even the 3rd.

Being from MT - how cold it is really ? I like the cold.. and I am like one of those who wishes to populate the state someday.

One last thing - have you fished Henry's Fork ? and who is henry anyways ?

hope to hear back - Brian

Just once I wish a trout would wink at me!


I'm the guy wearing the same Simms longbilled hat for 10 years now.


Hey Brian-Anytime on the Tomatos and I will be more than willing to trade you flies for them to LOL.

I would have to say that just the numbers of people have effeced fly tying as well as fly fsihing the most. There are so many more than when I started.

If we are talking fly tying then I would have to say the quilty of Hackle we have today. I use to look for months just to find enough hackle to do a couple of dozen size #18 dry flies. Now they have saddles that will tie size #24's LOL. And you can get 12 to 15 flies out of one of them.

Well it can get real cold but it has not been bad in the last number of years. We had I think three days sub zero this year so far. But it has been in the 40's most of the winter so far. I can remember it getting to 40 below with a 50 mph wind blowing. I can also remember it staying subzero for over a month at a time. As well as having snow 40 inches deep and drifts 20 feet deep. Haven't seen that in a lot of years.

I guided the Fork in 1969 and 70 for Will Godfery out of last chance Idaho. It was a great river back then. It is coming back but still is no were near what it use to be. I remember guiding a fireman from California back then and he cought 6 fish over 5 pounds in one day all on dry flies. Can't even get close to that anymore. Good tip to. We made $50 a day back then and he gave me a $50.00 dolor tip and bought me dinner at Pounds Lodge Inn. Can't beat that LOL

The river, lake and Fort and some of the mountains in the area all got there names from Andrew Henry. He was a monutain man, trapper and miner. I know there are some books written on him if you look. I read one many moon's ago but have forgotten most of it. LOL

Like I said I would be more than happy to do some trading on the Tomato's ;) I just wish that gonefishin had invited me over for some of the fried Catfish to. LOL Ron



Ain't no prob. Just drop by anytime your in MO for a catfish dinner. Or you could just send me your address and I'll overnight you some. :)

Like Brian I could be happy to trade tomatoes for flies. It gets harder every month it seems for me to tie them. :(

If I would quit chasin other kinds of fishing and settle down to fly fishing only I would probably be a better fly fisherman. Problem is I just can't seem to leave them other kinds of fish (like Flathead or Spoonbill) alone. I wonder if there is a local catfishing fishermans annonoymous. I think I need help if I am gonna quit. Heh heh. Hey! Check that out. I cant spell either. :o

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759


gonefishin - Heck who can spell right anyway LOL ;) I never worry about how a person spells I worry about if they are good people and I find that most are. ;)

I know a couple of older people here in town that can't read or write but would break there backs trying to help a person out. That is more important in my book than someone that is real smart but has no feelings or common sense. :)

I tie a lot of flies in a years time mostly custom orders. What types of flies do you use? I tie about everything from Saltwater to panfish. #8/0 to #28's I should add that I do not tie below about a size #22 much anymore. Don't get that much of a call for them.

In the last several years I have been doing a lot of Spring Creek style flies. I live close to 3 Spring Creeks and people sure go through those flies which is good for business. Real Small flies and light tippets mean more sales LOL

I will PM you. Ron

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