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Showed up around 11:30 on Sat, generation, I would think around 2 units..

Not too bad fishing, caught a couple right off the bat, and several more, and kind of went quiet.

Did well on P&P pattern on Sat

Sunday morning water was up big time around 7:30am... Slowly dropped throughout the morning till around 12 or 1 or so they stopped generating. Water plummeted

Did really well once that happened on a size 16 soft hackle, and found some holes, and they were taking the P&P well and a v-rib midge blood red #18

All in all, a great weekend, pretty chilly yesterday, but again beats working which unfortunately I now have returned too.. :(

Good fishing boys!

"Then in the Arctic half-light of the canyon, all existence fades to a being with my soul and memories and the sounds of the Big Blackfoot River and a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise." - Norman Maclean


I fished Saturday (in my new OAF hat) downstream of the old boat ramp from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. One unit running, lake level 704. It was a sunny day (felt warm) and ice stopped forming on the rod around 12:30. I was the only wade fisherman at that access. I fished an olive jig, both in the 1/64 and 1/80 size and did well with it. Later in the afternoon, I drove over to the hatchery side and fished from the stairs at outlet 3 down to the big hole from 2 - 4 pm. The water level stayed the same all day. At the stairs, I picked up 2 rainbows and a brown on the P & P midge. Then I switched back to the jig and waded and fished down to the big hole. Well at least to the end of the submerged gravel bar. For the day I picked up about 25 on the jig. As I waded downstream to the calmer water, I saw many fish midging down past the last set of stairs. I waded back upstream to the last set of stairs and fished the ditch with a crackleback and caught one on it. Probably the best fish of the day. I quit at 4 pm, just as the horn sounded.


I'll just add my report to the one above.

Fished with my 9 year-old daughter from Phil's dock Saturday morning. It took the help of a kind and generous gentleman to get Abby on the fish (thanks, Phil) and once we figured out how to get to them we started catching fairly regularly.

We used Berkeley power nuggets, combining one white with one chartreuse, white with orange, and white with yellow. White and yellow produced most often and white with orange followed that. We limited out and got back to Springfield by about 1:30 pm.

I would probably recommend using marshmallows and velveeta cheese. I think it would produce just as well.

Now for the most important part of the trip: Abby understands put and take fisheries, possesion limits and sporting ethics. It was truly a joy answering her questions about conservation and fishing. She would ask a question, I'd give her an answer and let her think about it for a while, then she'd come up with something else to ask. Some of her questions were very well thought out, like "What would stop someone from catching four trout, putting them in a cooler and going to a different place and catching four more?" and "Wouldn't you need to completely stop fishing after you catch your four, 'cause what if the next one you caught swallowed the hook and died? Then you killed five fish instead of four." Man, I love being a dad.

I had to call my dad later and ask him how many times he pulled the age-old 'here, hold my rod for a second' trick. "Every time I could" was his reply.

The best part of the whole trip, though, was when my daughter turns to me on the way home and says, "Dad that was the most fun I've had on a Saturday morning - ever!"


Paul Rone


Troutchaser: that's a good report. Thanks for sharing.

“Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” Henry David Thoreau

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Troutchaser Thats awesome . My boy has alot of fun aswell catching fish . It's great to see him fighting with the fish and landing it . He dose no the ethics and possesion limit also . It is great to see you and your daughter had a great time

Mr Ducky

Yikes!!! I Hate that warning horn


I fished yesterday from 1115 until 130. Landed 4 and lost about 6 :(

I used my "wooly scud", strange thing about that fly, i never even got a bump on the one tyed on the scud hook, all my fish were on the 200R straight 2x hook.

Here is the 1st fish I caught yesterday, it was a beautiful bow, very nice colors on him. On the 2nd photo you can see the fly in the corner of his mouth, sorry it isnt in focus!



You are so stupid you threw a rock at the ground and missed.

I had to call my dad later and ask him how many times he pulled the age-old 'here, hold my rod for a second' trick. "Every time I could" was his reply.

I'm waiting on Leonard to try that one on me just as he hooks a big 27 inch Brown... :lol:

Yep... I've been on both ends of that trick, too.

Great report! And a great time... one of many to come, I'm sure...



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

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