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Im needing to get some info about the White River. I really want to check it out and fish it, but since im not really familiar with this area yet (Ive only lived here since August and havent had time to drive around) Im needing some advice about good places to go that are wadable and easily accessable that offer good fishing. Any advice would be most helpful! Thanks!

Yup, hooked another tree on my back cast!

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Hey Back Cast 6,

See the post about "Any Wadable Water" started by Asphault Monkey. He ask the same question and I gave some answers for hi water. Those answers would definaly change when lower water comes our way.

I will be posting some access areas on my http://whiteriverfishingreport.blogspot.com in the near future so take a look and bookmark it for future reference.

Jimmy T.



I recommend that you obtain a copy of the Home Waters book. It was written by the Mid South Fly Fishers and it contains a detailed description of all the accesses on the White, how to fish them, and a detailed map of exactly where they are. In addition, it contains similar information for numerous rivers and streams in the area (I wrote the chapters on the Norfork and Dry Run Creek). All proceeds go to support conservation efforts in the area. It is available in all local fly shops and Bass Pro.

John Berry


Fly Fishing For Trout




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There is also a map with more detail of the area and access and how to get there available at flyshops for $8.99 to 9.99 I have them on my flyshop page and include shipping and handling. They are water proof. Great maps and were just updated last year.

Jimmy T.

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