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I will be down there with a buddy from work and was wondering if the hatchery outlets were a good spot for high numbers of trout. Also, where would you go in the afternoon for a shot at an 18"+ fish?

Can you fly fish zone 3 or is it just for the other things (bait and plastics)? Thanks in advance!



Just got back from the park ..

Yes the outlet is always popular for fish and fisherman alike.

Finding a large fish at Bennett is all about sight fishing or deeper pools. Sorry I cant be more specific but thats the way only way I know to increase the odds to your favor.

:( Nope no flys in Zone three. Doesn't seem right to me, but in the c&r season the whole place is for flies only ;)


Jon Joy


"A jerk at one end of the line is enough." unknown author

The Second Amendment was written for hunting tyrants not ducks.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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