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Today I drove over the Black, the Current, and the St. Francis on Missouri 60. All three were up, flowing well, and muddy.


Upper Current around Montauk was up as well and fairly dirty.  Was down last week Thurs-Sun and had substantial rain every day BUT Sunday.  Lots of flow which was nice but the clarity left a lot to be desired.  Only had a foot or two visibility and anything deeper you couldn't see.

The park fished great given the conditions. Caught 5 or 6 in the 17 inch range that were between 2-2.5 lb. Fished below the wire and did well also.  Several nice sized fish.  Would have fished below but didn't want to risk it with the murky water since I haven't fished down through to Tanvat since the big flood.....and I know the river has changed!

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