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Greetings All;

First post here although I have been lurking for a while and it seems that everyone here is more than willing to help out folks, so I have a question to ask. But first a little about me, the wife and I have a time share in Branson and get up there (from Oklahoma City) at least once a year, sometime more. Several years ago we fished with River Run Outfitters for half a day and figured out some of the local waters and since then I have used midge and soft hackle patterns but I want to try dragging sculpins across the bottom to see if I can entice some bigger fish.

We'll be coming up in a couple of weeks and I want to tie some sculpins up that will ride hook point up. I have been going through the patterns here and see a couple of sculpin patterns and the pine squirrel pattern (can't remember the exact name of it) so I thought I'd ask your opinions on which is your favorite and what color(s).



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Try a pine squirrel sculpin, mohair leeches, bunny sculpin.


steve "Stinnetti" stinnett

Spring Creek Outfitters



Welcome BigD we are glad you signed up. Let us know how you do. Lots of folks here to give you info on tossing big streamers for big fish.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


Sensei Leonard...


(In case you're wondering, BigD... Leonard knows what he's talkin' about... You'd do well to get with him...)



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

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I am interested in tying some pine squirrel sculpins after reading Leonard's reports! What are the best colors of pine squirrel to use? Assume olive and brown/natural? Who sells pine squirrel?

I have often tied bunny sculpins? How much different is pine squirrel than rabbit strips?

Being strapped to my desk in KC, I am getting the itch in a big way reading the reports lately and looking outside to some beautiful weather! I will be down late April if not sooner. The neighborhood blue gill pond will have to suffice for the time being!


since your in KC..

You can probably get it from Cabalas...

or you can send me your address and I'll send you a pattern and a few squirrel strips..

or call Phil and order a whole hide..

For the tying part...

I mostly use mine unweighted..

start thread and wind to an eye lenght before the bend

tye in the tail and wrap thread to the eye... line the shank with superglue.. and quickly wrap the strip to the eye of the hook.. tye off and your done

NOTE: Dont get the hair in the superglue..

Good luck..


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Master Leonard :) I see you have a following, I too am not worthy but seek you wisdom....

Seriously, thanks to all that responded! Leonard, what type of dubbing do you use in the Brad's sculpin, from the pics it looks like it has some shiny stuff in it? Also when you wrap the zonker strip do you use crosscut rabbit?

Also, I take it that Phil sells pine squirrel hides, if so Phil what colors do you have?

Leonard, expect me to be getting in touch next week to seek you ways.


PS, expect more questions...



Dave Whitlock has a tip of roughing up the hook shank just a bit if you are using super glue or zap-a-gap. I use a fingernail sandpaper thingy to give the hook shank a bit of grit.

PLUS it helps keep my nails looking good for the fish... :lol:



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

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